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People Are Totally Buggin' Over This Time Capsule From 1998

Oh snap!

Randi Bergman, a 31-year-old from Toronto, recently got a fly gift, courtesy of her 13-year-old self.

In January, Bergman’s mother asked her to clean out her childhood closet. Bergman obliged and while she was tossing things away, she stumbled upon a time capsule from 1998 that she had made when she was 13 years old. Bergman told The Huffington Post that the discovery surprised her because she doesn’t remember making it.

“I was dying of laughter,” she said. “I also couldn’t believe I had the presence of mind to detail so meticulously.” 

And meticulous it is. The three-box time capsule which contained mixed tapes, movie and concert stubs, and clippings from YM and Teen People, also included detailed lists of Bergman’s crushes, favorite TV shows and more.

On Jan. 9 the self-described former “teeny-bopper” began to share her hella sweet treasures on Instagram.

So what’s in the boxes?

Here’s the 411:

Movie theater stubs for “Titanic.”

Those plastic lace crafts you’d do at summer camp.

A “match the star with his or her favorite Spice Girl” game from a magazine.

A detailed list of all of her ’90s crushes.

A picture of Bergman in a bucket hat.

A totally ‘90s mix tape on an actual cassette tape.

Some Spice Girls lollipops.

Bergman’s personal “Top 5” lists of the time.

An extra bag of rubber bands for braces.

Notebooks filled with magazine clippings from the late ‘90s.

A boy band ring.

Some broken shades that are painfully ’90s.

A picture of Bergman showing off her ‘90s style — complete with a Winnie the Pooh backpack.

And Backstreet Boys concert ticket stubs with one epic backstory.

Children of the ‘90s everywhere thank you for this time traveling gift, Randi.

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