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'I am an immigrant': Texas lawmaker breaks down during emotional speech against anti-immigrant bill

A Texas lawmaker broke down during a passionate speech condemning Senate Bill 4, “arguably the most draconian anti-civil rights, anti-immigrant state bill in modern political history,” according to immigrant rights advocates. Democratic state Rep. Gene Wu called the issue “painful for me because I am an immigrant:”

“My parents are immigrants. I represent a district filled with immigrants. Some are here as refugees, some are here as citizens, some are here without papers. But they are all my people.”

SB 4, which is expected to be signed into law by Texas’s anti-immigrant governor, basically amounts to a “supersized version of Arizona’s infamous, ‘show me your papers’ law” that will only encourage racial profiling and terrorize the most vulnerable by allowing immigration enforcement at domestic violence shelters and other sensitive locations. Rep. Wu has been among the many advocates who slammed the proposal, including another House lawmaker who went on a four-day fast. United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation, called SB 4 “a white supremacist’s field day.”

from Daily Kos

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