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These 24 House Republicans voted for Trumpcare in seats where Trump got less than 50 percent in 2016

House Republicans just narrowly passed their Trumpcare bill on Thursday, voting to kick tens of millions off of their insurance and make health care unaffordable for countless Americans. The above map shows the 2016 presidential election result for all 217 House Republicans who voted in favor of the bill (see here for a larger version).

Of the 23 members who hold districts that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, 14 Republicans voted for the bill, as did another 10 of those whose seats Trump won with less than 50 percent (excluding districts in Utah, where conservative independent Evan McMullin drew substantially from Republicans). Democrats need to gain exactly 24 Republican-held seats while defending all 194 of their own to capture control of the House in 2018, and these 24 Trumpcare supporters will likely be prime targets.

You can find a full chart of all 24 of those members, the 2016 and 2012 presidential result, and their 2016 House performance below, along with a map of how all 238 House Republicans voted. Be sure to check our Daily Kos Elections’ maps, charts, and calculations of the full 2016 presidential results for every congressional district nationally here.

from Daily Kos

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