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The Heidi Chronicles: A+ for Provocative Storylines, B- for How Much Things Have Changed

I had never heard of The Heidi Chronicles, which is now playing on Broadway as a revival of Wendy Wasserstein's 1988 Tony-winning play. My mom got us tickets and mentioned something about having seen the original in the '80s and that I'd like it because of its humor and feminist themes. I expected to laugh, even to relate, but not to tear up during a monologue by Elizabeth Moss, who played the title...

Obamacare Exchanges Falling Far Short Of Smoking Cessation Requirements

WASHINGTON -- Only one state in the country makes sure that Affordable Care Act consumers have access to smoking cessation programs as the law requires, according to a report released Tuesday.The ACA, commonly known as Obamacare, mandates that the health insurance policies available through exchanges set up under the law cover all seven FDA-approved tobacco cessation medications without cost-sharing....

Transgender Mormons Struggle To Feel At Home In Their Bodies And Their Religion

Sixteen-year-old Grayson Moore had no label, only metaphors, to describe the disconnect he felt between his body and soul.It was like car sickness, he says, when your eyes and inner ears disagree about whether you are moving."It makes you sick," Moore says. "That's the same with gender."from The Huffington Post | The Full Feed

What Makes A People

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario: One of the United States’ minor allies passes legislation criminalizing a particular identity-politic shared by a small portion of its citizens. The country then employs its police force and judiciary to jail members of this population, obliges discrimination, physical abuse – even murder – by vigilantes, then permits the press to publish identifying information...

4 Common Student Loan Problems -- and How to Deal With Them


'Fun Home' Brings Lesbian Protagonist To Broadway For The First Time

Although recent years have seen a wealth of gay content on the New York stage, “Fun Home” breaks fresh ground as the first Broadway musical to feature a lesbian protagonist.The advance buzz on the musical, which is currently in previews at Circle in the Square Theatre, has been quick to emphasize that...

The Five-Minute Rule

From time-to-time, people who learn about the inside-out nature of the human experience begin to feel guilty if they partake in any sort of outside-in action designed to improve the quality of their lives. As one of my own mentors said to me, "taking action to improve your plight is like carrying Dumbo's...

National Works on Paper exhibit opens April 2 at McNeese

The 28th annual McNeese National Works on Paper Exhibition opens with a reception honoring the exhibiting artists at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 2, in the Grand Gallery of the Shearman Fine Arts Annex at McNeese State University. The exhibit, which runs through May 8, is sponsored by the McNeese Department of Visual Arts and is part of the 2015 Banners at McNeese season. William Pittman Andrews, director...

Poetry Coast to Coast: American Poets Paul Fericano and George Wallace

...the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.-- Jack...

The Latest Assault on the Affordable Care Act: An HIV+, 34-Year-Old Man's Perspective

It has now been almost eight years since I have been diagnosed with HIV. In today's day and age, HIV is a manageable chronic disease much like diabetes. We have come a long way since the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s. The havoc it wreaked within the NYC gay community left many casualties behind. I think often of how my fate could have been so different if I was born in 1961 as...

New Proposals To Rein In Payday Loans Show Why Unscrupulous Corporations Want You To Hate Government

I've got two quotations I'd like you to consider, one from someone you know, and one from someone you probably don't. The first is from Ronald Reagan:The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'The second remark is from Trudy Robideau....

The True Intent Of Indiana's ‘Religious Freedom' Bill, According To The People That Helped Write It

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) and state Republican leaders have been playing damage control this week, claiming that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is not a law that enables anti-LGBT discrimination.from The Huffington Post | The Full Feed

When Is the Cheapest Time to Fly Internationally?

Whether you're heading to the romantic cobblestone towns of Europe, the bustling cityscapes of Asia, the wild backcountry of Africa or somewhere else entirely, this breakdown of the most important points to remember when booking international flights from the United States is a must read. It's been...

5 Simple Ways to Express Gratitude and Other Lessons I Learned From My Mom

Throughout our lives, we all need something and someone to believe in. We also need someone who believes in us. That was the role my mother played in my life.I was once told that when you lose your parents you lose your fan club, and this is exactly the way I felt when my mom passed away six years ago. I can no longer pick up the phone and hear Mom's enthusiastic, "Good morning, Sunshine!" Nor can...

You Can Play 'Pac-Man' In Google Maps Right Now

Wednesday is April Fools' Day, and Google's already released its first "prank." Well, it's less of a prank and more of a treat. Starting on Tuesday, you can play the classic arcade game "Pac-Man" on Google Maps.Here's how to play: Go to Google Maps, and on the bottom left of the map you'll see a little...

Elizabeth Warren: Give Hillary Clinton A Chance

Elizabeth Warren wants America to hear Hillary Clinton out.Appearing on NBC’s “Today” on Tuesday to promote her new book, the Massachusetts senator said that the former Secretary of State deserves an opportunity to demonstrate how she plans to help the middle class if she decides to run for president.“I think we need to give her a chance to decide if she’s going to run and to lay out what she wants...

Dunkin' Donuts Wants You To Eat Oreo Cheesecake Squares For Breakfast

Dunkin' Donuts is unveiling a new spring menu this April and it's definitely going to affect your summer beach body. That's because the company wants you to up your morning dessert game and try cheesecake for breakfast. Specifically, Dunkin' Donuts' new Oreo and Raspberry Cheesecake Squares -- because...

12 Heartfelt Ways To Include Lost Loved Ones In Your Wedding Day


What's Up With All the Honking?

Recently I found myself in a new city. I won't mention it by name, but if you're curious I will say that it starts with an "F" and rhymes with "Mort Mauderdale."Hubbie and I decided to spend our one day there checking out the sites. Our specific mission was to find a new pair of pajama pants (resulting...

No More Mr. Nice Gal

As I've grown in my career, and in my business, I've been surprised by how many times people have misunderstood my pleasant attitude for a lack of intelligence. I'm a nice person by nature. This doesn't, however, mean that I am a welcome mat. Here are things that I've learned from being a woman in the business world.Know Your ValueOne thing about being a nice gal, is that people think that you will...

Who Are the Nuclear Scofflaws?

Given all the frothing by hawkish U.S. Senators about Iran's possible development of nuclear weapons, one might think that Iran was violating the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).But it's not. The NPT, signed by 190 nations, and in effect since 1970, is a treaty in which the non-nuclear nations agreed to forgo developing nuclear weapons and the nuclear nations agreed to divest themselves of...

Gov. Mike Pence Invokes Selma In Defending Indiana's Anti-LGBT Law

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) went on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday morning to defend the “religious liberty” bill he recently signed, which critics say invites discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people.Since the legislation was signed last Thursday, the governor has faced blistering criticism and a boycott that now includes the states of Connecticut and Washington.“Five years ago,...

GOP presidential candidates get behind Indiana's license-to-discriminate law

Jeb BushUltra-conservative voters have been suspicious of Jeb Bush, who hasn't been loud and proud enough on their key issues. But on Monday, the former Florida governor and dynastic candidate threw them a juicy bone when he—like other Republican 2016 hopefuls—defended Indiana's new license-to-discriminate...

Rivière et Mangala pires recrues de l'année en Angleterre

Quelle est la pire recrue de la saison en Angleterre ? Le site web du Daily Mail procède ce mardi à son classement annuel des plus gros flops. Il est dominé par les Français. from

Brive: Germain prolonge jusqu'en 2018


Louisiana preschool grading criticized

BATON ROUGE — Louisiana's planned method for grading its preschool programs has "serious flaws," two education groups said Monday. The Advocate reports ( ) a study by the groups says the proposed grading plan fails to detail how programs can be improved, relies too heavily on a single grade to judge quality and lacks guarantees needed for fairness. The study was released by the...

Officials: Iran nuke talks to continue in new phase

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Wrapping up six days of marathon nuclear talks with mixed results, Iran and six world powers prepared Tuesday to issue a general statement agreeing to continue talks in a new phase aimed at reaching a final agreement by the end of June to control Iran's nuclear ambitions, officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday. Officials had set a deadline of March 31 for a framework...

Discussing Clinton’s Email Scandal: Thiessen on Fox News’ ‘The Kelly File’

On Fox News' 'The Kelly File,' Fellow Marc Thiessen discusses the Hilary Clinton email scandal and the potential repercussions.from AEI » Latest Content

Don’t forget the 1980s

It should be a deeply sobering thought for Americans that the U.S. housing finance sector has collapsed twice in the last three decades. Of course, we know that there was the painful shriveling of the huge U.S. housing and mortgage bubble of the 2000s, but only twenty years before there was the mass failure of the savings and loan (thrift) industry, first from interest rate risk and then from bad...

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