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Hillary Clinton Serves Donald Trump's Covfefe Right Back At Him

// Hillary Clinton is pouring some cold covfefe on President Donald Trump.  Trump’s mysterious early-morning “covfefe” tweet was widely considered a typo, but White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer insisted later in the day that the word had a specific meaning.  “The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant,” he said.  So what did Trump mean?  “I...

Police Release Video Of Tiger Woods' DUI Arrest

// Police in Jupiter, Florida, have released dashcam footage showing the DUI arrest of golf great Tiger Woods. The 41-year-old was found early Monday asleep in his Mercedes, which was stopped in the right lane of a road. The engine was running, the blinker was on and the car had two flat tires along with some other damage, CBS 12 in West Palm Beach reported.  The newly released...

Open thread for night owls: People's Budget offers 'roadmap to resistance' against Trump budget


6 Relaxation Hacks For People Who Hate Meditating

If you suffer from stress and anxiety, odds are someone in your life has mentioned meditation as a way to cope with it. Psychiatrists often recommend this therapy, and for good reason — research based on 19,000 meditation studies found mindful meditation can in fact ease psychological stress. Despite that data, however, meditation isn’t for everyone. And it may not serve some people...

Why Trump's Evangelical Base Won't Much Care If We Leave The Paris Accord

President Donald Trump is reportedly planning to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change, a move that is unlikely to ruffle his evangelical base. Under the terms of the deal, the U.S. cannot officially withdraw until November 2019. But in signaling an exit from the deal, Trump would make good on one of his major campaign promises and win the favor of the 22 Republican...

Is 'House of Cards' still relevant in a world with a President Trump?

The basis of most fiction is conflict and drama. The depiction of government and politics in fiction lends itself well to this idea. God knows there's enough conflict to go around, whether it's a conflict of philosophies, ideas, or personalities. And most fictional political conflict is usually...

At Pro-Trade Think Tank, Wilbur Ross Soothes Business Fears Over NAFTA Talks

// WASHINGTON ― Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said that a commitment to “do no harm” would guide efforts to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and that elements of the now-defunct Trans-Pacific Partnership would serve as a “starting point” in talks with Canada and Mexico. The remarks on Wednesday at the Bipartisan Policy Center, which supports international trade agreements,...

Trump's communications director has resigned. Good luck finding a new one

The news that White House communications director Mike Dubke has resigned came as a surprise to most Americans, primarily because few of us were under the impression the Trump White House even had such a position. Someone was responsible for directing the tire fire? How long had that been...

Deported U.S. military veterans commemorate Memorial Day in Mexico

You may have seen the viral photo: a group of deported veterans “who served in U.S. Army with the promise of becoming citizens” commemorating Memorial Day in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Yes, our nation deports veterans, and it’s been a stain on both Democratic and Republican administrations...

U.S. needs to accelerate growth in green jobs by treating climate change like the crisis of WWII

In this era when every day can bring another profoundly disturbing bit of news about climate change, it’s easy to miss the good news about what’s being done to keep it from becoming worse than it could be. What’s happening in the world of clean, green energy is one of those bright spots. Not...

Trump's EPA Chief Aided Polluters For Years. Now Suddenly He Says The Mess Is A Priority

// WASHINGTON — If you listen to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, the biggest environmental problem facing the United States isn’t climate change (he doesn’t think that’s real, anyway), or lead-tainted drinking water or brain-damaging pesticides. It’s that Barack Obama didn’t clean up the more than 1,300 most contaminated and hazardous sites across the country. A...

School segregation rises as black and Latino kids attend intensely segregated, high-poverty schools

In 2017, it is easy to look back on Alabama Gov. George Wallace’s 1963 “Segregation Now, Segregation Forever” speech and think of it as a relic of days gone by—an era in which backward thinking would ultimately give way to progress. Except sadly, several decades later and 63 years after the Supreme...

There is a Trump policy on how we should treat the world—and it's morally indefensible

Anyone who was expecting National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster to provide some voice of reason within the Trump regime can give up that dream. Not only has McMaster provided a ready defense for Trump’s worst outrages, his name appears on this May 25 editorial which is one of the most genuinely...

How Did This Happen?

For those of us lucky to be awake Tuesday night, for the semi-frequent late-night Twitter outburst from President Donald Trump, we received the gift of “covfefe.” Yes, Trump’s attempt to type the word “coverage” went somewhat awry, giving the Twitter wags a good chuckle before winking out for a good night’s sleep. You had the funny feeling that there would be a high-level meeting the next morning...

Mike Pence is hitting the campaign trail, perhaps with an eye on a Trumpless White House

Vice President and guy who always swears he was out of the room when everyone else on the president's senior team did all those things the FBI is now investigating Mike Pence is, four months or so after being sworn in, already heading back to the campaign trail. This may have something to do with...

Noose Found In African-American History Museum Exhibit In D.C.

For the second time in a week, a noose was found on the grounds of a Smithsonian museum in Washington, D.C. When visitors walked into an exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture on Wednesday, they saw a small noose lying on the floor. It had been left in an exhibit with galleries from the segregation era, Smithsonian spokeswoman Linda St. Thomas told HuffPost. Two...

Toyota's next small crossover could be the TJ Cruiser

Filed under: Government/Legal,Marketing/Advertising,Toyota,Crossover The FT-4X is dead. Long live the TJ Cruiser? Continue reading Toyota's next small crossover could be the TJ Cruiser Toyota's next small crossover could be the TJ Cruiser originally appeared on Autoblog on Wed, 31 May 2017 18:30:00...

Kansas lawmakers go full harassment mode: mandate typeface size, style for abortion disclosure forms

Kansas  legislators have reached a new low in meddling. They will soon be commanding abortion providers which typeface size and font they must use on disclosure forms given to patients. The bill, SB98, is awaiting the governor’s signature.  Since 2011, state...

Trump Backers Share His Animosity Toward The Media, Poll Shows


Trump Expected To Delay U.S. Embassy Move To Jerusalem

WASHINGTON, May 31 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected this week to delay relocating the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, U.S. officials and a diplomatic source said on Wednesday, despite his campaign pledge to go ahead with the controversial move. With a deadline for a decision looming, Trump is likely to continue his predecessors’ policy of signing a six-month waiver...

Iconic Photo Shows Mother Of Portland Victim Embracing Woman In Headscarf At Vigil

“Tell everyone on the train I love them.” Those were the reported last words of Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, who died from a stab wound on Friday, May 26, according to a bystander. The recent college grad was one of the victims in a hate-fueled attack on a train in Portland, Oregon, that targeted two young women, one of whom was wearing a headscarf and was Muslim. Friends and family described...

While You Obsessed Over Trump's Scandals, He's Fundamentally Changed The Country

On the morning of May 12, Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed that he had instructed federal prosecutors to begin pursuing lengthier prison sentences for drug offenders. It was a draconian change in approach that flew in the face of a growing bipartisan agreement on sentencing reform. “He’s completely discarded what has been an emerging consensus about how best to keep the country safe,” said...

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