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How should the US respond to the fall of Ramadi and Palmyra?

In a testimony today at 12:00pm before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa, Resident Scholar Michael Rubin discusses the fall of Ramadi and Palmyra and the importance of American leadership in the fight against ISIS:


“The question American policymakers must consider is whether the United States can afford to let the Islamic State win. A lesson both of the pre-9/11 era and the rise of the Islamic State is that ceding territory to terrorist groups poses a grave risk to US national security. If the Iraqis are not capable of victory on their own, withdrawal from the theater simply allows the cancer to metastasize. Reliance upon the Iranians under the current regime simply swaps one flavor of terrorism for another. While the Obama administration might be cautiously optimistic with regard to rapprochement with Tehran, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has not bought into the process and remains committed to a more militant interpretation of the Islamic Republic’s ideology.”


Read his full testimony, “US Policy towards the Islamic State after its Seizure of Ramadi and Palmyra.”

To arrange an interview with Michael Rubin, or another AEI scholar, please contact AEI Media Services at or 202.862.5829.

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