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Listening to the voice of the patient in precision medicine

I’m not sure most of us can really imagine what it must be like to be the parent of a child with severe, rare disease, or to contemplate how we’d feel, cope, react, or manage. Yet at a precision medicine conference organized by physician-data scientist Zak Kohane that I attended this week at Harvard Medical School, I was privileged to hear from a remarkable group of speakers — parents and patients who have experienced the anguish of illness, the search for a diagnosis, the identification of a likely cause, and then the urgent pursuit of a cure, all while dealing with the quotidian challenges of taking care of someone who often requires significant support.

Parents like Matt Might, whose story of strategically leveraging the internet to search for clues to help his son Bertrand (ultimately diagnosed with a mutation in the NGLY1 gene) was beautifully told by Seth Mnookin in the New Yorker last year. Parents like Megan O’Boyle, who is fighting fiercely for her daughter, Shannon, and others diagnosed with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome.

We heard from impassioned survivors, like Kathy Giusti, of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF). And, perhaps most poignantly, we heard from future patients, like Sonia Vallabh, who at around the age of 30 learned that she carried a mutation likely to cause a fatal neurodegenerative disorder by the time she’s fifty; Sonia, along with her husband Erik Minikel (see this touching New Yorker piece), completely refocused their lives, and are both now graduate students intensively seeking cures for Sonia’s condition.

As unimaginable as their situations might seem, perhaps even more striking was their poise and optimistic determination as they strived to constructively engage the medical and scientific community, in pursuit of better care and ultimately (perhaps, one day) cures.

In many ways, their strength and lack of apparent bitterness made their challenges  even more difficult to hear; Megan, for instance, had enrolled Shannon in a program for undiagnosed diseases at the NIH (see this superb 2009 profile of the program in the New York Times), and had subjected her to an exhaustive battery of tests.  Yet when Megan subsequently attempted to receive a copy of Shannon’s reports, she was told “sorry, this was done under a research protocol – we can’t give this information to you.”  This turns out to be a more generalized problem: there are very different rules and expectations for clinical data and research data, even though translational informatics has increasingly blurred this line, especially from the perspective of the patient.

The difficulty of dealing with Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) was also highlighted by many speakers; these boards have earned the enmity of many because they seem to be universally feared by researchers (IRBs must approve clinical studies and can shut them down any time), and are often regarded as capricious (prone to idiosyncratic critique), paternalistic (arrogating choices that might appropriately be left to a patient and his or her family), and excessively guarded (failing to consider the potential harms associated with not doing a particular study).

The challenges of pulling together relevant patient information was also a major theme.  There were excruciating stories involving efforts to extract data from electronic medical records (EMRs), and from multiple EMRs – and the very high costs incurred when these efforts were successful (see also here).  Some speakers – like breast cancer surgeon and advocate (and blood cancer survivor) Susan Love – emphasized the limited utility of EMR data even when available, noting how little of the patient experience it really captured.

Playing well together also seems to be a big problem.  Kathy of the MMRF described the challenge of getting leading cancer centers to meaningfully share data (a topic I’ve discussed here), several speakers spoke to the challenges of getting different academic labs to collaborate (I’ve written about this here), and a few speakers even acknowledged the issues that can arise in patient communities, in the form of multiple advocacy organizations that may not always see eye to eye, often leading to the formation of multiple (and in some sense, competing) patient registries.  A related challenge is that patients often sign up for multiple registries or are treated at different hospitals, and in the absence of an identification standard, information from a single patient may be “counted” multiple times in studies, suggesting patterns (eg “mutation X is often associated with the disease”) that are illusory (i.e. the mutation seems common because, unbeknownst to the researchers, it was actually from the same patient).

As if these challenges weren’t enough, legal experts discussed the challenges around consent and privacy, while representatives from the payor community pointed out that, in the words of Greg Steinberg of Aenta, “We can’t do everything all the time for everyone in healthcare, even though we may want to – and as a society, we need to come to terms with that.”

Despite these very real obstacles, it was hard not to emerge with a sense of hope and optimism – positive energy driven by the patients and parents in the room, who know – better than anyone – the challenges and the difficulties, having confronted far too many of these first-hand.  If they can look into the murky darkness and see a path forward, and get up each day and push ahead, it seems to me that the medical and research community owes them no less.

There were more discrete reasons for optimism as well.  The “free the data” movement seems to be gaining strength, and there’s the hope that it will soon be easier not only to access but also to donate data, perhaps mediated through the sorts of mechanism and consent processes that organizations like Sage Bionetworks are pioneering, as Stephen Friend, who leads Sage, described.

There’s also been progress towards the development of an “app layer” (described in this paper, and discussed at the conference by co-author Ken Mandl), premised on the ability to extract select data from existing EMRs.  As the authors describe it, this “app ecosystem” would be “based on free, open healthcare application programming interfaces (APIs) that define how apps can connect to any EHR or data warehouse….A standard, public, open API will define a new form of interoperability across systems.”

Continued advances in technology are also providing hope, both biological technologies (Arlene Sharpe discussed some of the great strides in immuno-oncology, many originating from work in her lab) and information technologies (such as the cloud, as emphasized by Google’s David Glazer). (Disclosure/reminder: I’m chief medical officer of DNAnexus, a cloud platform used to manage and collaborate around large volumes of genomic data.)

To their credit, most speakers acknowledged the enormity of the challenges ahead; these are early days, and science – not to mention drug discovery – is a difficult and generally slow process.

Even so, it was especially inspiring to hear that, while exploring the biology of his son’s condition, Matt uncovered a potential treatment – not a cure, to be sure, but a compound that led to a significant improvement in symptoms.

“I measure results in smiles per hour,” Matt told me.

Our mission now: ensure precision medicine delivers more smiles – and more hours.

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