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Why NPR is having an internal debate over cursing on-air

While many news organizations wrestle with how to deal with coarse language, NPR is in the midst of an internal debate on how to handle vulgar or profane language. Its use of profane language could not only upset listeners but get it into trouble with the FCC, Paul Farhi writes. NPR’s basic rules say to avoid using obscene language on-air or in podcasts except when it’s conveying something newsworthy and only then when it’s fully bleeped out, but some at NPR have objected to the policy. Nina Totenberg says in a memo to NPR staff: “In life and death battles, it really would distract and sound stupid to bleep out such language. We expect it in such situations.”

The post Why NPR is having an internal debate over cursing on-air appeared first on American Press Institute.

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