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President Obama’s Clean Power Plan: All Cost, No Benefit

On Monday, President Obama released the finalized Clean Power Plan, which would impose strict limits on greenhouse gas emissions from electric generating plants.

In an analysis of the plan, AEI energy and environment expert Benjamin Zycher points out that the plan does not address the largest supposed benefit of the new limits: the effect they will have on future temperatures.

Zycher uses the MAGICC/SCENGEN model (developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research) and finds that the reduction in temperature is minuscule:

“The temperature reduction in the year 2100: fifteen one-thousandths of a degree. The effect would be too small even to be measured, let alone to affect sea levels and cyclones and all the rest. If we include the pseudo-agreement between the U.S. and China that was announced last November (even though the Chinese effectively disavowed it almost immediately), we can assume an additional 10 percent reduction by the U.S. by 2025, with no actual reduction by the Chinese. This gets us another one one-hundredth of a degree, for a grand total of twenty-five one-thousandths of a degree.

And so the reluctance on the part of the president and the EPA to tell us what we are getting in exchange for a large increase in power costs and reliability risks is easy to explain: The answer is embarrassing”

To read the full piece, click here.

To arrange an interview with Benjamin Zycher please contact AEI Media Services at or 202.862.5829.

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