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Steve Jobs and the beauty of capitalism

Even a casual reader of this blog knows I think entrepreneurship is pretty important. High-impact startups generate innovative methods, goods, and services while also pressuring incumbents to improve. The result is a more dynamic economy that can help us all lead more opportunity-rich — not to mention gadget-filled — lives. Or as entrepreneur and superhero Tony Stark puts it: “I just pay for everything and design everything, make everyone look cooler.”

REUTERS/Denis Sinyakov.

REUTERS/Denis Sinyakov.

But they are not superheroes or gods, of course. Alberto Mingardi offers a more nuanced view based on his viewing of the film “Steve Jobs”:

Entrepreneurs are not to be idolized as men; they may be pretty mean as individuals (pretty much like university professors, writers, bakers and plumbers), but they provide something valuable to society. This is not the particular application of a certain technical skill: that comes more often from the coder, the designer, the engineer. Their talents lie in coordinating these other skills, making them play all together to produce a beautiful symphony.

Jean-Baptiste Say thought that, among the virtues of the entrepreneur, should be “the constance that leads to overcome the sprinkle of hurdles in our life.” The movie shows that Steve Jobs was not lacking in this department. And it also shows the relentless application of a creative mind. The movie’s message is that he was good both at coordinating other people, and at envisioning products which, in their entirety, escaped the mind of any and each of his collaborators, who were certainly better at writing software or considering hardware.

Jobs is portrayed as dismissive of consumers: he says that “the guy who said that the consumer is always right was certainly a consumer”. That should not, however, obscure the fact that Jobs appears to be far more dismissive of “experts”. Actually, he argues against Wozniak because he doesn’t quite care about “technical” superior knowledge, but thinks of what the consumer will desire. And yes, she will desire a Mac because a Mac is beautiful. …

I fear sometimes we tend to forget all too easily how profit-seeking capitalists also produce “beauty.” Jobs is an obvious case in point: he set out to make beautiful objects, to change the life of millions by giving them better instruments but also to share with them his aesthetic tastes. Walt Disney is another name that comes to mind. As “the market” is a metaphor and not a living being, it doesn’t have aesthetic judgment. But beauty and the profit motive shouldn’t be considered incompatible either.

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