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Donald Trump’s immigration plan would cause U.S. citizens to be deported

“You’re going to have a deportation force.”

 — Donald Trump, Nov. 11

As you heard again during Tuesday’s GOP primary debate, Donald Trump has as a policy goal turning the United States into a police state to facilitate the mass roundup of around 11 million men, women and children who are living in the country unlawfully. He wants to expel them from our borders via a “deportation force.”

His faith in the ability of government to execute this policy — granted, under his tremendous leadership — is (please pardon the repetition) tremendous. It must be said clearly that his plan is morally awful.

Does he understand how his police state would affect the country? Apart from the obvious ways that have been much discussed — breaking up families; a massive disruption for businesses, schools, churches, communities; potentially turning neighbor against neighbor — Trump’s powerful Department of Homeland Security would almost surely end up mistakenly apprehending and detaining U.S. citizens. And probably deporting some of them, too.

Click here to read the full text article.

The full article will appear here on November 19th, 2015.

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