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Myths and facts about specialty drugs

“Specialty drugs” is a term that has entered common vocabulary to categorize a class of drugs that are clinically unrelated, but are increasingly grouped together due to their high cost. They have come under scrutiny lately from payers, policymakers, and physicians and exemplify the most significant, recurring challenge in modern health care: how to balance effective innovation with fiscally viable pricing. Unfortunately, solutions are elusive because of pervasive myths about these products, often perpetuated due to conflicting motives of buyers or sellers. Below we debunk the most serious myths impeding an effective policy response.

Myth: Growth in Specialty Drug Spending Will Bankrupt Health Care

Debates over cancer treatments and recently approved cholesterol-controlling drugs highlight concerns about the costs of specialty drugs and their share of health care spending. In 2014, specialty drug spending was approximately a third of overall U.S. prescription drug spending ($124 billion of a total of $374 billion) according to IMS, one of the primary data providers on pharmaceutical spending. Despite growth in their spending, specialty drugs accounted for only 4% of all health care spending in 2014, approximately the same amount as dental services. In particular, cancer drug spending, a hot button issue in U.S. health care, makes up only about 1% of total health care spending. Thus, even if we eliminated spending on all cancer drugs, rather than just cut their prices as many have proposed, the reduction to total health care spending would be minimal.

In addition, concerns about specialty drug prices also tend to ignore an important fact: prices decline considerably with the introduction of competition from other patented drugs or biosimilar drugs after patents expire. In the case of Harvoni, Gilead’s highly effective second generation hepatitis C treatment, we saw large price reductions with the emergence of a competitor. Additionally, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that biosimilar entry will lower prices by nearly a third. This implies that cost-effectiveness analyses of specialty drugs that do not take a drug lifecycle perspective for estimating costs and benefits invariably underestimate the cost-effectiveness of treatment. The dynamic nature of drug prices also sits in contrast to other health care services and devices (such as in, say, ICU care) whose prices generally do not fall over time.

Myth: Specialty Drugs Offer Only Incremental Value

In general, treatments that produce large improvements in survival or quality of life are easily justified – e.g., the new treatments for leukemia. However, other sources of value are important but less well appreciated. For instance, in therapeutic areas where rates of innovation are high, even modest therapies create “option value” by allowing some patients to survive long enough to benefit from future therapies. Early HIV treatments provide a salient example. The first drug approved to treat HIV had very modest improvements in survival, but for some patients in the early 1990’s, it extended life long enough to allow them access to the wonder drugs that emerged in the late 1990s. The “option value” that new specialty drugs create – especially in cancer – may be sizeable but is rarely studied.

In addition, what policymakers value does not always align with what patients value. For example, oncology trials typically measure a so called “median” survival, defined as the length of time from diagnosis or treatment initiation for which half the patients are still alive. However, median survival does not capture the potential for large gains for a smaller percentage of the patient population. Indeed, for recently developed cancer drugs that use the immune system itself to fight the cancer, about 20% of patients are nearly cured. However, regardless of how long and how well these super-responders live, the median would be unaffected. Thus, measuring the value of a drug on the basis of median survival often misses important patient goals.

Myth: Profits from Specialty Drugs Sales are Excessive

It is argued that manufacturer profits are excessive, given that specialty drugs sometimes emerge from publicly-funded research and much is spent on marketing. The facts tell a different story. High prices pay not just the costs for the marketed drugs (winners), but also those that do not make it to market (losers). Thus, comparing the R&D costs of a marketed drug to its profits is meaningless in terms of evaluating overall manufacturer profitability. Given that as many as 90% of drugs fail the clinical trials process, there is a lot of inherent risk in drug R&D. In particular, the winners need to sell at prices that cover the 90% of trials that failed. This is true not just in the pharmaceutical business, but in any industry where there is high risk of failure. For example, venture capital firms – which fund innovation – generally have similar failure rates, requiring that 10% of their investments generate sufficient profit to cover the losses from the remaining 90%. This is why it is so difficult for venture capital firms to beat the market, even though successes are widely publicized and covered. Thus, the evidence suggests that once risk is appropriately accounted for, biotechnology profits appear in line with other high technology industries with a large amount of R&D.

Myth: The U.S. Would Benefit from European-style Price Controls

Some argue that given the fundamental importance of health, U.S. prices should be more in line with the richest European countries. This is a common argument that ignores some important economics; namely, that profits – particularly U.S. based profits – drive the world’s innovation. The evidence is clear that R&D is greater in diseases with larger patient populations and rises with insurance coverage, patent exclusivity, and research subsidies. The impact of the Orphan Drug Act on treatments for rare diseases is well-chronicled, and recent policy changes such as Medicare Part D increased R&D for diseases of the elderly. This evidence does not imply that other R&D financing mechanisms – e.g., public funding – cannot substitute for industry profits. All else equal, however, policy efforts to reduce prices will greatly reduce innovation.

This argument is especially true for the countries that contribute the most to global sales – e.g., the U.S. and Japan. Very small countries can charge lower prices without worrying about innovation, because their pricing does not greatly impact world sales. However, a reduction in drug prices in the U.S. would reduce global sales dramatically compared to, say Norway, a smaller nation with higher per-capita income. This implies that reducing U.S. prices would have a meaningful impact on the pace of future innovation and would ultimately hurt future patients in order to reduce prices for current ones.

Myth: High Prices are the Sole Source of Financial Hardship on Patients

As costs have risen, many insurers have responded by increasing cost sharing for specialized therapies as part of their pharmaceutical insurance design. For example, CMS allows Part D plans to create a “formulary tier” specifically for drugs costing $600 or more per month. About 90% of plans use this tier and among these plans, more than half require patients to pay 25% or more of costs. Co-insurance for specialty drugs, which are taken by the sickest 3% of patients, can be as high as 50%. This design means that the sickest patients also take the largest financial hits; a form of “double jeopardy.” However, this has primarily led to outrage against manufacturers rather than payers. For example, oncologists have criticized manufacturers for high prices because their patients cannot afford treatment. This is somewhat ironic since, as the General Accounting Office noted in July, cancer centers with higher markups on cancer drugs prescribe more of them, a practice partially enabled by the federal government’s 340B drug pricing program intended to provide discounted drugs to lower income patients. In addition, other forms of health care are equally, if not more expensive – such as ICU care – yet there appears to be comparably less concern over these costs. Perhaps the reason is that ICU care – which often costs approximately $4,000 per day – is often fully covered (as it should be), whereas specialty treatments remain only partially covered. The reality is that less generous coverage of specialty drugs may punish the sickest patients and is not consistent with basic tenets of insurance, which are designed to cover rare but expensive events.

What’s the Bottom Line?

Historically, specialty drugs have not generated high costs to the health system, and they were covered generously. However, new innovations provide treatment options to more patients, which raises concerns about overall spending. But the narrow focus solely on price draws attention away from the more important discussion: how to create policies that are fiscally responsible while providing access to valuable innovations. An appropriate policy response will require generous payments for truly innovative products, and lower reimbursement for products and services that are not.


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