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Memo to our next president

Dear Mr./Madam President:

It is January 2017: You have before you a critical opportunity — and an imperative — to renew America’s leadership role in world affairs. History has shown that when the president makes a case to the American people, they listen. You will hear that now is a moment of unprecedented division and partisan anger. You will hear that any major decision will be met with hostility from one — or more — political party. We’re here to tell you it isn’t so — or need not be so — at least not in the world of national security.

It is not simply the outrage at terrorist attacks like those in Paris, the Sinai Peninsula, Beirut and elsewhere that binds us. Nor is it the increased assertiveness of Russia in Ukraine, or China in the South China Sea, that has united us behind a common cause. Liberals, moderates, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats and independents can come together and agree that America must lead — and truly lead — in the world. We know, because we have spent the last two years with just such a group. The American Internationalism Project, which we chair, brought together Washington think tank scholars across the political spectrum, current and former government officials, and many others, to rebuild a new consensus for American leadership in the world. It is a model for what can be done when we focus on our national interests, our global priorities and our shared morality.

Full text available here.

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