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AOL’s One will provide publishers tools for audience engagement, analytics, content distribution, and revenue management in a single place

You might have heard: AOL is combining all of its publisher products into a single platform called One (Business Insider)

But did you know: With the creation of its new platform One, AOL wants to show the publishers in its network that “it has solutions not only for advertisers … but specifically for the publisher community.” One includes seven of AOL’s products, including display ad platform Marketplace, ad-serving provider AdTech, video monetization tool One Video, and monetization platform Millennial Media. Ken Yeung writes: “This complete package may seem like a lot for the average publisher, but this wholesale approach means lower overall costs for site owners, who would otherwise pay quite a bit more for individual services.” In addition to the entire suite of tools, AOL is also offering a la carte options.

The post AOL’s One will provide publishers tools for audience engagement, analytics, content distribution, and revenue management in a single place appeared first on American Press Institute.

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