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FDA needs to change how it regulates novel technologies

I spoke before a meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research in Berkeley, California this week, addressing the need for the Food and Drug Administration to adapt how it approaches pre-market regulation in order to efficiently and effectively evaluate very novel areas of technology like gene editing and cell and gene therapy.

The thrust of my message was this: FDA needs to more closely focus is organizational structure and its regulatory programs on measures of risk, and move away from its structural legacy that oriented its review programs mostly around discrete clinical areas of medicine.

More and more, it’s the product features of these novel technologies, and not necessarily their clinical applications, that create the hypothetical and known risks. The regulatory efforts need to be structured around these product areas. That means FDA needs to organize more of its regulatory activities around programs centered on areas such as regenerative medicine and gene editing. It needs to more closely adjust its regulatory approach to address the unique nature of the different risks that it’s trying to address.

It also means that FDA needs to focus on those areas that create the most potential for risk, and channel its resources behind these efforts. It needs to be much more risk based. Right now, FDA is often too easily distracted by attractive areas like I-Phone apps that nonetheless pose relatively low risks and could be ably addressed by other regulatory agencies.

 Here is the full text from the remarks I delivered at the meeting:

Six years ago, tainted peanut butter caused a nationwide salmonella outbreak that killed nine people and sickened more than 22,000 Americans. Many were like Jacob Hurley, who was only three when he fell ill. He hadn’t eaten peanut butter, but crackers. The tainted peanut butter originated from a single Georgia plant. But the food maker shipped the paste nationwide. The raw ingredient was simultaneously used in the production of everything from cookies, to crackers, to ice cream, and even dog biscuits. The infectious danger didn’t start revealing itself for days. First, it had to run the full course of its incubation period.

The episode reinforced in the minds of FDA’s senior staff an awareness that was long forming when it came to food safety and the limits of the agency’s regulatory program. The nature of food processing had changed substantially in America. Much of it owed to corresponding changes in food packaging and the logistics for faster shipping. The scope of outbreak from foodborne illness no longer has a clear geographic boundary.

Food ingredients like peanut butter are manufactured and widely shipped on an enormous scale. They could find their way into many unrelated products almost simultaneously. A misstep at a single plant can cause widespread harm before FDA can intervene.

The episode with tainted peanut butter had all the features of a possibly catastrophic risk. First, it had the potential for widespread and rapid propagation. Second, it could trigger serious, even deadly harm. And third, it had the potential for latency between the time that victims were first exposed to the risk and the point in time (perhaps days or even weeks later) when victims would first begin to manifest identifiable symptoms. It presented the threat that a danger could be widely distributed before it was revealed. By the time regulators were made aware of the risk, it might be too late for FDA to effectively intervene.

FDA already spends a lot of effort grappling with these sorts of latent risks. The most tragic example of a catastrophic but also latent risk was the episode involving Thalidomide and horrific birth defects that the drug caused when it was prescribed in the 1950s to expectant mothers as a proposed treatment for morning sickness. That episode profoundly shaped FDA’s culture. Focusing attention on dangerous risks that can remain dormant is deserved. Products with the rare potential to cause mass casualties deserve special handling. Latency, and the chance for extensive propagation of a product before its risks are made manifest, are the two characteristics that — in combination — can lead to a widely distributed risk.

Yet even while FDA instinctually recognizes the potential for significant harm related to risks that can be simultaneously widely distributed, and latent, I don’t think there’s ever been any systematic effort by FDA to look across its vast portfolio and rationalize the agency’s focus and resources against these and other kinds of risks. No methodical work to do a thorough, comparative accounting of the nature of risk versus FDA’s regulatory effort.

 More and more, FDA adjudicates risk within the silo of the particular clinical area that a product belongs to. Because there’s no formal accounting of risk, and no global framework to categorize the nature of risk — and to adjust regulatory efforts based on these parameters — FDA is also prone to misallocate its limited resources and its bully pulpit. The agency can spend too much relative time on areas that don’t follow from any clear risk accounting. This also means FDA is prone to being too easily distracted by noisy purposes that might generate political interest, but pose far less risk than areas that get comparatively less focus.

And so today I want to do two things. First, I want to discuss the nature of these distributed and latent risks, and how I believe we should be organizing the regulatory process differently — based on considering the characteristics of products and the nature of different kinds of risk and not based largely on the clinical field of medicine that a product falls within. Then, I want to discuss how these issues impact gene editing of somatic cells.

The issue of products that have the potential for latent and widely circulated risks is relevant to our discussions today. Novel technologies, like more efficient ways to undertake gene editing with CRISPR-CAS9, have some of these characteristics of risk. They also offer a substantial opportunity for remarkable public health achievements. So we need an effective framework for safely and efficiently taking these technologies forward.

If it’s the latent nature of the risk that will cause FDA the most concern when it comes to gene editing, there are a lot of shared principles drawn from different product areas on how FDA can approach these concerns. But first, we need to properly define the nature of the risk that we’re trying to mitigate. We need to base our regulation on the unique attributes of different products, and their distinctive risks, and not simply divide regulatory activities based on clinical considerations like a product’s indication or its therapeutic target.

Expediting the development of these novel and transformative technologies like gene and cell based therapies doesn’t necessarily mean lowering the standard for approval, as I believe other countries have done.[iv] But it does mean having a framework that’s crafted to deal with the unique hypothetical risks that these products pose. It means shifting much more of the emphasis on active surveillance as opposed to FDA’s historically more binary approach to regulation, that transfers most of the responsibility to the pre market review process.

When you think about it, there are a defined number of areas in FDA’s regulatory portfolio that carry these kinds of latent risks. Small molecule drugs can have latent risks — for example, the risk for teratogenicity. Drugs can harbor a risk for increasing the incidence of cancer. But FDA and drug developers have become extremely adroit at ferreting out carcinogenicity and teratogenicity — usually early in the development process.

Clearly FDA grapples with these kinds of latent risks when it comes to foods. That was the lesson from the episode involving the tainted peanut butter and other recent food recalls.

Latent risks are also associated with blood products. The spread of HIV through contaminated blood was a tragic illustration of the risk that blood products could harbor undetectable and latent infection that’s only revealed once it’s widely distributed.

 Vaccines could also theoretically harbor latent risks. Gene therapies are another evolving area where there’s also a hypothetical risk for these same kinds of latent and distributed risks.

I’d argue that FDA’s caution is merited when it comes to these kinds of risks – where there is the potential for unpredictable and adverse outcomes, and where the risk itself could have certain latency associated with its revelation. In other words, the harm could become widely distributed before it becomes manifest. These hypothetical risks are low probability, but are potentially very high impact events. If FDA is taking a risk-based approach to its work, and applying more regulatory resources to areas that have these characteristics of risk, then these are precisely the areas where the agency would devote additional resources.

Here’s the problem. FDA doesn’t properly segregate, and elevate, these kinds of risks. The agency often talks about taking a risk-based approach to its regulation. But that typically means looking at relative risk within a category of products. So, in regulating a category of food producers, FDA might focus more inspections on firms known to have poor record on safety. But FDA doesn’t do enough to match its resources to risk across its different product centers — or across different product categories within the same center. Or even to think about risk as an independent construct that guides policy and resource decisions.

As a result, often FDA’s tools for managing a product risk tend to be those approaches most familiar to a particular clinical area, rather than the tools best suited to manage a certain kind of risk. Risk isn’t treated as a discrete discipline in the same way FDA focuses around different clinical areas. On the drug side of FDA’s house, this means an over-reliance on the pre-market review process, even if this isn’t the best approach for managing latent risks.

To take one example, I’d argue some of these same issues challenged FDA’s response to the safety shortcomings with compounded drugs, and even its handling of parenteral drug shortages. Many of the most prominent risks in these categories are not related to the clinical applications per se, but the product issues, and the parenteral manufacturing challenges that permeate across different industries – compounders, generic and branded drug makers alike. The lack of regulatory alignment around issues related to aseptic processing probably added to FDA’s challenges in responding to many of the problems it began to uncover.

At the very same time, by not looking at risk as an independent organizing principle, it has allowed FDA to divert its focus and resources on areas and products that pose much less risk. FDA has sought expansive new responsibility over everything from telephone apps, to electronic health records, to consumer gene tests and lab services already overseen by CMS.

You can look at any one of these endeavors and make an argument for some measure of regulation or oversight. But the question shouldn’t be FDA regulation or no regulation. This is a false choice that those who advocate for more regulation of these products, often set up.

The question is this: If one were looking at FDA’s portfolio from the standpoint of the risk society is trying to address, would you allow the food and blood products groups to exist in their present state, while giving FDA broad purview over lab services and I-Phone apps?

 To take one example, the office inside HHS that regulates aspects of electronic health records could oversee medical apps and other types of consumer-focused medical software. And there’s no reason that the CLIA can’t be resourced to regulate more aspects of laboratory developed tests, including more of the clinical considerations that FDA proposes to take on. In fact, when FDA recently provided some public commentary on the risks that it had identified with certain LDTs, many of it’s concerns turned not on product related issues, but the way that the tests were being performed. These are precisely the kinds of post-market, laboratory conduct issues that CLIA is already charged with overseeing.

The question then should always emanate from an assessment of risk. FDA’s pre-market authorities are among the most stringent regulatory standards of any federal agency. The FDA’s time and its authority are a scarce and valuable resource. FDA’s authorities, resources, and expertise should be more carefully applied on the basis of risk, and used to address those products and industries that pose the most potential for public health harm.

A risk-based approach to regulation means that we focus the agency’s resources on those areas and those most important activities, where FDA is uniquely qualified to apply appropriate oversight. But culturally, what has always attracted the attention of those both inside and outside the agency are the areas of new interest like the medical phone apps.

We’ve diluted some of FDA’s mission in the process. We’ve stretched its resources, and distracted it from the critical functions where it should be most focused.

This gets me back to the issue of cell and gene therapies, where FDA has just begun to contemplate what its regulatory framework is going to look like. It authorized the first clinical trial for an in vivo genome editing application just last month. But we’ve already seen it exercise a high degree of caution when it comes to these domains.

When you talk to the agency’s senior staff, they’re clearly concerned about the hypothetical risks for latent problems associated with these approaches, such as hereditable mutations.

We know from some of the early clinical work that the vector delivery of genes, while not random, can surely be semi-random. For example, when the insertions occur in a region where the chromatin is more packed, the expression levels will be lower. So we shouldn’t be surprised to see more variability as more patients undergo these treatments. Yet that variability, which may be a product feature, is only going to heighten the regulatory scrutiny.

Right now, we don’t have standard methods for measuring efficiency and off-target effects. Bringing these technologies forward under an appropriate yet not overly restrictive regulatory path will turn on the ability of regulators and researchers to work together to develop those standards for measuring efficiency, off target effects, and long term risks.

At some point, FDA is going to develop specific guidance on these technologies. I’ve long thought that when it comes to these very novel and fast moving areas of new technology, where FDA is inevitably going to be behind the scientific curve, it should not be left solely to FDA to draft those guidelines. The agency has deep expertise at implementing regulatory standards. But in certain areas, those standards should be developed by a much more open and inclusive process where the final obligation to develop guidance is not left just to FDA.

 One can envision a new entity being entrusted to develop guidance for areas like these, where FDA is an active and important participant to a process that also includes members of the National Institutes of Health, and the broader academic community of scientists.

But most of all, bringing these technologies forward will also turn, in part, on how FDA ultimately organizes its regulatory approach to these products. FDA typically organizes its regulation mostly around a product’s clinical application, rather than its platform, and on the mode of regulation it seeks – either pre-market or post-market supervision.

This means a gene approach to treating cancer will be principally viewed as a treatment for cancer that must undergo and pass the same pre-market review process as other cancer therapies — rather than as a treatment that uses a gene-based approach. As a result, the product specific issues can get subordinated to the clinical issues. It is the clinical experts who mostly drive the review process, while the product experts serve as consultants. Yet in these highly novel areas, it’s the product-specific issues that create the regulatory uncertainty.

FDA’s biologics does operate with much more flexibility to how it structures its regulatory approach than the agency’s drug center. It already takes a more product specific orientation to its review functions in these areas. But I believe my observation is still generally true.

FDA remains a clinically led, and clinically-drive organization, even when the product-specific issues are what drives risk. This can challenge it from configuring itself to address areas of risk that cut through programs, and are not neatly divided along the discrete clinical lines that FDA customarily recognizes. This is increasingly true even for CBER.

I believe FDA needs to more actively consider moving its regulatory processes away from a mostly clinical orientation and toward one that ties its regulatory functions more closely to the product specific issues as well as the nature of the risk that the agency is grappling with.

A lot of organizations that manage risk structure their functions around discrete areas and aspects of risk. In FDA’s case, it’s often the product specific issues that create the uncertainty, whether it’s the platform being used, or a mechanistic feature of a drug.

At a high level, there are three basic kinds of risk when it comes to FDA’s obligations and the product’s it regulates – preventable risks, inherent risks that are intrinsic to a particular product, and hypothetical risks that are not easily measured prior to a product’s approval. At the outset, these areas of risk can form the basis of some new organizing principles.

 Preventable risks are best managed through active avoidance, principally through FDA’s labeling requirements and its risk mitigation programs that try to influence people’s behavior. Of course, FDA doesn’t believe consumers and providers heed its labels, and it has a limited and not very creative risk mitigation tools. Upgrading these should be an area of focus.

Inherent risks are the sort of hazards associated with a product like certain chemotherapeutics that deplete bone marrow. The risk is tied to the drug’s mechanism. Inherent risks like these are managed through programs designed to reduce the probability that the assumed risk actually materializes, and readily identify and limit its scope if it does.

The third kinds of risk are hypothetical risks. These are risks that are conjecturally possible based on a product’s mechanism, but are not observable in any reasonably sized clinical trial.

An effort should always be made to identify these risks pre-market. But where any observation would be purely by chance given their low probability, the focus must be on mitigating the potential impact of these risks. That relies on active post market activities.

At FDA, approaching new technology based on the characteristics of a product’s platform and a categorization of the kind of risk it could pose, means dissolving some of the organizational silos that separate people with discrete expertise in the different product-specific areas that are part of the review function, and consolidating this expertise into multidisciplinary teams that are brought together to evaluate highly novel product areas.

It might mean having discrete programs in areas like gene editing and regenerative medicine, or even around common targets or mechanisms of action or kinds of risk. Focusing its programs around clinical aspects of products can make it more challenging for FDA to properly manage risk, especially when it requires more emphasis on post-market activities.

It means having programs to titrate these post market efforts, and understand how to scale back restrictions after some initial period of uncertainty with a new product is resolved.

The lack of relative focus on risk management as a discrete discipline, and the lack of organization on the basis of risk regulation, means that FDA too often lacks the confidence to withdraw risk management measures after they are put in place. Initial market restrictions are typically a one-way street. These measures get imposed, and never reconsidered.

 FDA has tried to better align its regulatory efforts behind considerations of risk through the creation of its Program Alignment Group in 2013. Among other things, this was an early effort to try and associate FDA’s different centers around characteristics of product risk.

But change of this nature is very hard. In many cases, it will require the established offices and silos that populate FDA to be dismantled in favor of a new organizational structure. There are cultural impediments, operational challenges, and union issues to contend with. So FDA has inherited an organizational structure not well engineered to its current challenges.

Ironically, its new areas – including the gene and cell technologies or regenerative medicine — that may give FDA the best opportunities to adopt a more holistic approach to organizing its regulatory activities. Since these products don’t easily fall into FDA’s current buckets, it’ll give FDA the opportunity to create new organizational constructs to address them.

FDA’s pre-market review – alone – can’t address certain distributed risks, and shouldn’t be largely relied on to ferret these things out. For products that harbor this hypothetical potential, FDA can’t try to use its pre-market requirements as a way to slow technology introduction, on the hope that time alone will reveal any potential dangers.

FDA needs to take a more active approach to risk mitigation once products gain market entry, organizing this oversight based on the nature of the risk that it’ trying to resolve.

In a regulatory framework that measures risk across a portfolio of competing obligations, technologies with the potential for latent risk would probably rise to the top of any accounting. Some of the new approaches to genetic modification have those characteristics.

That doesn’t mean their development should be slowed. It means we should shape our regulation to give these opportunities the proper priority that considers not only their potentially novel risks, but also their great potential.

The qualities that imbue these products with uncertainty also give them their transformative potential. The attributes that give these products hypothetical risk are the reasons why we should prioritize them, under a regulatory framework that’s shaped to their potential.

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