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The first four Republican contests: Differences that matter

In the January edition of AEI’s Political Report, we provide profiles of the 2012 Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada Republican electorates. What makes each of these electorates distinct? Will their profiles be similar in 2016?

In 2012, the exit poll consortium took an entrance poll of people arriving to participate in the Iowa and Nevada caucuses. They took an exit poll of people who had voted in New Hampshire and South Carolina. The results of their work remind us that the US has a strong federal system – our states have very different make-ups.

Perhaps the most striking difference in these four polls of the GOP electorates is the religious dimension. Fifty-six percent of GOP Iowa caucus voters were white evangelical Christians. In New Hampshire, only 21 percent were. In South Carolina, 64 percent were, and in Nevada, 24 percent. The GOP candidate in Iowa who does best among this group – who at this point in this cycle seems to be Ted Cruz – will have an advantage.

When asked about their ideological identification, 47 percent of Iowa GOP voters described themselves as “very conservative;” for New Hampshire, 21 percent did; for South Carolina, 36 percent; and for Nevada, 49 percent. Asked about the Tea Party, GOP voters in Iowa (64 percent), South Carolina (64 percent), and Nevada (75 percent) indicated support. In New Hampshire, a much less robust 51 percent described themselves that way. New Hampshire voters’ views benefit moderate candidates.

Differences in religion and ideology go a long way toward explaining why the same Republican rarely wins Iowa and New Hampshire. In 2012, Rick Santorum narrowly defeated Mitt Romney in Iowa, while in New Hampshire, Romney won with 39 percent of the vote, and Santorum took only 9 percent. As shown in the chart below, all four early contests produced different candidate standings.


Other demographic differences between the states were less distinct, but still present. Both the Iowa and New Hampshire GOP electorates in 2012 were more male than female. There was essentially no difference in South Carolina, and in Nevada, men were 53 percent of caucus attendees and women 47 percent. The electorates in all four states were overwhelmingly white. That should not surprise us, as the GOP does better with white than minority voters. Ten percent of the GOP attendees in Nevada, which has a fast growing Hispanic population, were non-white.

Fifty-two percent of GOP Iowa caucus voters had college degrees, as did 55 percent in the New Hampshire primary. In South Carolina and Nevada, college-degree holders made up a plurality. Recent polls show that college graduates differ in candidate preference from those with less formal education. Donald Trump’s support is coming, as many recent polls suggest, largely from those without a college degree. Will his supporters turn out? This is one of many unanswered questions.

Entrance and exit polls from previous election cycles show how different the primary and caucus landscapes can be, but they cannot tell us who will participate this year. The composition of the 2016 Republican electorates could change. In 2008, below the radar screen, Barack Obama’s election team worked successfully to bring many new participants to the Iowa caucuses. A remarkable 57 percent of Iowa Democratic caucus-goers said it was the first time they had participated in a caucus. Most cast their votes for Obama, and that led to his important victory there. Could one of the GOP or Democratic candidates do that this year in the early states? Or will past participation trends continue? We will find out in February.

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