“All the preelection polls in the 2015 general election were wrong, significantly overestimating Labour support and underestimating Conservative support.” So began the introduction to the recent Economist/YouGov assessment of what went wrong with their pre-election poll in the contest. At about the same time, the highly regarded British Election Study released its post-election survey results. Later this month, the official commission established to dig into the pollsters’ miscalls will release its report. Before examining the relevance for our own upcoming contests, let’s look at what the preliminary findings in Great Britain tell us.
The main causes of the incorrect predictions identified in the Economist/YouGov assessment were 1) overrepresentation in the younger age range of those who were more politically engaged and therefore more likely to vote. These young voters leaned Labour and so skewed the overall result towards Labour. The pollsters believe their party voting proportions for the age groups were correct, but that fewer young voters voted than their sample suggested. 2) At the other end of the age spectrum, those over 70 were underrepresented in their sample. They skewed Conservative. Combined, the analysts believe, they made up 2.3 percent of their 3.7 percent overall error. They found no evidence of the “shy Tory” phenomenon, or Tory voters’ unwillingness to tell the pollsters how they were going to vote.
After the election, the British National Election Study went back into the field conducting a large face-to-face survey and an Internet panel. The results of the post-election face-to-face survey came much closer to the actual results than the pre-election polls. The results of their post-election Internet panel looked similar to mistaken pre-election polls. Why did the face-to-face poll do better? Face-to-face surveys are the gold standard of survey research. Hardly anyone can afford to do them these days. They are able to get much more out of their interviews than short phone calls or internet questionnaires. The team believes face-to-face surveys are better than other survey methods at getting responses from people who do not vote. Their conclusion: “because surveys under sample those who do not vote, by making the survey look representative of the population, pollsters may actually be making their polls less representative of those who turn out to vote.” That appears to be what happened in 2015.
What does this mean for the polls we are seeing now in Iowa, New Hampshire, and beyond? Pollsters have to create a sample that will mirror the caucus and primary-going electorates, and that is very difficult. Polls conducted inexpensively and over short periods of time often don’t spend the time to dig into questions that shed light on what turnout will actually be. Predicting turnout is crucial. In 2008, for example, Barack Obama expanded the Democratic Iowa caucus electorate significantly. Fifty-seven percent there told the network entrance pollsters that they were first-time caucus-goers. Among those first-time caucus-goers, 41 percent supported Obama, compared to 26 percent of those who said they had attended a caucus before. The highly regarded Des Moines Register poll nailed it, expecting first time caucus-goers to be 60 percent of the sample, and they predicted the race correctly for Obama.
For many of us who study surveys today, it is hard to get behind the methodological veil. We don’t always know who is being sampled, or the exact methods pollsters use to predict turnout. Some pollsters weight their samples to be representative of registered voter files, while others weight their samples using census data to be representative of the national or state population. Some rely on questions about past participation in primaries or caucuses to identify those likely to participate in 2016. Still others ask respondents how likely they are to participate in the 2016 primary or caucuses.
Most of the Iowa polls of “likely Republican caucus-goers” show Donald Trump is especially strong among those without a college degree. Will they turn out for him on a cold night? It is hard to know. In 2012, 52 percent of Iowa Republican caucus-goers had college degrees, according to the caucus entrance poll. In Quinnipiac University’s most recent poll of likely 2016 Republican caucus-goers in Iowa, 35 percent (weighted percentage) had college degrees. Given the difference in candidate preference between those with and without college degrees, the results of the caucus—and the accuracy of pre-election polls in predicting the winner—will likely be affected by who turns out in February.
Another problem for pollsters now is that many potential Iowa caucus-goers haven’t made up their minds. Fifty-three percent of likely Republican caucus participants in the most recent Quinnipiac Iowa poll said they might change their mind before the caucus. In some recent elections, Iowans made their minds up very late. All of the above goes to show that polling is a complicated business.
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