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A rose by any other name

Lo these many blog years ago the future Mrs. DarkSyde and I sat down to our first meet and greet. It seems odd to think that, back then, we were just another pair of awkward strangers hooked up by virtue of this newfangled contraption called an Internet. But as luck would have it, there was a magical extract available, refined from a strange, flowering plant discovered in the New World several hundred years earlier. Being relatively young and still fairly invincible, we threw caution to the wind and ingested a respectable quantity. The mysterious substance worked its neuro-magic, and soon we were fluttering our now blazing eyes at each other, and would go on to fall madly in love.

But that stuff wasn’t free of risk: Recent experience has shown long-term over-use is correlated with damage to almost every organ in the body. It can cause serious weight fluctuations and occasionally, even first-time users can suffer a life threatening condition involving full cardio-pulmonary failure!

So since it’s Valentine’s Day, what better segue into the topic of flowers and the wonderful—and dangerous—things we get from them?

from Daily Kos

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