Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
You might have heard: After buying The New Republic in 2012, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes put it back up for sale in January, saying the magazine needs a new business model
But did you know: Chris Hughes sold The New Republic to publisher Win McCormack (Wall Street Journal)
Six weeks after Chris Hughes announced he was putting The New Republic up for sale, the magazine has a new owner. Win McCormack, publisher of literary quarterly Tin House, has purchased the magazine. McCormack has named former publisher of the Nation and Washington Spectator Hamilton Fish as The New Republic’s publisher. In a statement, McCormack said: “The New Republic was founded in 1914 as the organ of a modernized liberalism and then-dominant Progressive Movement, and has remained true to its founding principles, under all its multiple owners, ever since. We intend to continue in that same tradition.”
+ Noted: 72 percent of U.S. adults who own smartphones say they frequently get news from at least one traditional media source, including TV news or printed newspapers (Reynolds Journalism Institute); Time Inc.’s strategy to reach Millennial women through acquisitions and launches including xoJane and Motto show that it recognizes that the Millennial generation is not monolithic (Digiday); Al Jazeera America’s online operations shut down, and David Cay Johnston says AJAM was a model of journalism that the U.S. desperately needs (Al Jazeera America)
Paying for Digital News: The rapid adoption and current landscape of digital subscriptions at U.S. newspapers
Newspaper publishers in the United States have moved rapidly in recent years to create subscriptions for digital access to their news. According to an in-depth analysis by API, 78 percent of U.S. newspapers with circulations over 50,000 are using a digital subscription model. This report covers the current state of digital subscriptions, the early origins of digital subscriptions, and what to expect for future digital subscription models.
ESPN’s mobile strategy: ‘If we’re thinking about anything else, we’re failing the audience’ (Nieman Lab)
ESPN’s vice president and editorial director for domestic digital content Chad Millman is clear: “Mobile is everything.” As more people cut their cable TV subscriptions, ESPN is being forced to change its business model and betting on mobile audiences going forward. Millman says: “We always have to be thinking about mobile first. If we’re thinking about anything else, we’re failing the audience. … You need to keep reimagining how things look [on mobile]. Physically, how is something presented? How long is a headline, what is it going to look like, and where is it going to cut off on a mobile device?”
+ A new tool for journalists from the Council on Foreign Relations allows users to compare the presidential candidates’ policies on 11 foreign policy issues (Council on Foreign Relations)
China shut down the social media accounts of an influential property developer after he criticized China’s recent campaign to control state-run media (Bloomberg Business)
Ren Zhiqiang, an influential retired property developer in China, had his social media accounts shut down by the Chinese government after he criticized the Chinese president’s plan to tighten control over state-run media. Zhiqiang had more than 37 million followers on popular Chinese social network Weibo. Chinese president Xi Jinping has exerted control over state-run media in China recently by “jailing reporters, detaining influential Internet commentators and passing rules to keep party members from criticizing the leadership.”
To work from home more efficiently, find ways to connect more often and create good documentation of practices (Poynter)
As Vox Media’s Elite Truong prepares to make the move from New York to a smaller city, and more employees elsewhere work remotely, she lists some ideas for how to work from home more efficiently. Among the ideas: Stay connected by finding ways to see each other through Skype or Google Hangouts and encouraging people to share their thoughts in those chats, and create well-written documentation of teams’ practices, even for questions as simple as, “How can I get a new user set up on a list of these needed accounts?”
Facing threats from big platforms, more competing publishers are partnering with each other (Digiday)
Google and Facebook are expected to control 51 percent of online ad revenue in the U.S. this year, a number no single publisher can hope to compete with. To stay competitive against these platforms, more publishers are partnering, Digiday’s Ricardo Bilton writes. Publishers such as The Huffington Post and Mental Floss have created link-sharing agreements with other websites, while other publishers are creating advertisement-selling alliances.
+ Earlier: In early 2015, The Guardian created Pangaea Alliance, a programmatic ad sales network with CNN International, Reuters, Financial Times and The Economist designed to help publishers sell advertisements at a larger scale
‘Spotlight’ wins the Academy Award for Best Picture (Adweek)
In an upset, “Spotlight” won the Academy Award for Best Picture on Sunday night. The movie tells the story of The Boston Globe journalists who broke the story of widespread sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in the area. “Spotlight” also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, while The Boston Globe won the Pulitzer Prize for the story behind the movie in 2003. Director Tom McCarthy said in his acceptance speech: “Good journalism is an essential element of our democracy. We have to do what we can to protect it.”
+ How news organizations covered diversity at the Oscars: The Los Angeles Times prioritized following #OscarsSoWhite, while The New York Times updated a 2012 report showing the Academy was largely male and white and finds little has changed (Poynter)
The post Need to Know: Feb. 29, 2016 appeared first on American Press Institute.
from American Press Institute