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Amendment to CDW ban approved

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries on Thursday OK’d an amendment to a ban on deer carcasses harvested from neighboring states.

This proposal was initiated to assist in the prevention of the introduction of chronic waste disease — an infectious and fatal disease of deer — into the state’s white-tail deer population.

The disease has been found in white-tail deer in areas of Texas and Arkansas — mainly in permitted deer-breeding sections — but has not been found in Louisiana during a 10-year study.

The commission approved an amendment to the ban notice which will delay the implementation of the proposed rule until March 1, 2017.

The amended motion reads: “No person shall import, transport or possess any cervid or part of a cervid carcass originating outside of Louisiana except for meat that is cut and wrapped, meat that has been boned out, quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached, antlers, clean skull plates with antlers, cleaned skulls without tissue attached, capes, tanned hides, finished taxidermy mounts and cleaned cervid teeth. Any and all bones shall be disposed in a manner where its final destination is at an approved landfill or equivalent.”

David Meagher, a taxidermist from Lafayette, was in attendance.

Meagher was responsible for a petition against the ban that had been started after the LDWF presented several informational meetings throughout the state about the proposal. Meagher said more than 280 persons had signed the petition in three days.

The taxidermist also added that if regulations are put on the caped deer next March, he would be prepared to give free classes on capping out mounts and will have CDs available if that proposal does go into effect.


One local hunter who signed the petition was DeQuincy’s Mark Pharis.

Prior to Thursday’s LDWF meeting, Pharis said, “I hunt both Louisiana and Texas, like many others in DeQuincy and the surrounding area. As it stands with Louisiana’s proposed law it will hinder the way we hunt. Our lease in Newton (Texas) County has 13 members from Louisiana who make the drive back and forth daily, so it would be impossible to completely debone a deer and cape out a mountable buck after a hunt.

“Other states already have laws in effect to protect the spread of CWD. It makes no sense for Louisiana to adopt a rule that will just put a burden on residents that leave out of town to hunt. This will cause an economic crisis in our area along with other parts of Louisiana. “


Teal season will open Saturday and run through Sept. 25.

The area’s national wildlife reserves — Lacassine and Sabine — will be open for teal hunting on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season. Hunters can enter the refuge at 4 a.m. and must leave by 2 p.m.

Alligator season is also going on at the same time and refuge officials said hunters should avoid alligator lines or sets.

For more information about teal hunting on the reserves, can call 598-2216.


An informational meeting on a proposed artificial reef site for the lower portion of Big Lake (Calcasieu Lake) will take place at the LSU AgCenter on Gulf Highway beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken.

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