Amedia, Norway’s largest media company, has developed a common log-in system to use across its 62 titles — and that system is encouraging subscribers build digital habits. The system is part of a three-step plan for Amedia: The first stage is converting print subscribers to digital subscribers, the second stage is encouraging non-subscribers to register for a log-in, and the third stage is moving registered users up the value chain (getting non-registered users to sign in and getting logged-in users to become subscribers). “We had a subscription economy that was nose diving fast at about 10 to 15 percent, so the plan was to get these customers to build digital habits, hoping that this strategy would lead to growth and new audiences,” says Amedia’s executive vice president for digital Pal Nedregotten. “The online log-in system was designed to give paying subscribers a reason to still be a subscriber, and create digital habits to help them find value in an online edition.”
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from American Press Institute