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Legislator tells colleagues Iowa women should be forced to carry dead fetuses indefinitely

Here's Iowa state representative Shannon Lundgren, aRepublicanOfCourse, explaining during a committee hearing on new anti-abortion legislation that yes, perhaps in the new republic of Gilead your daughter may be forced to carry an already-dead fetus inside her until the point at which it begins to rot and her own life was in serious jeopardy, but that's her tough luck because Rep. Shannon Lundgren don't care.

“Rep. Forbes, this bill wasn’t written for the intent to protect or govern, on the side of the woman. It was written to save babies lives,” Lundgren said, adding, “I would concur that — in that instance — if your daughter’s life is not in danger, that yes, she would have to carry that baby.”

Lundgren was wrong about the text of the bill (she's the bill's manager, but apparently at no point in her religious zealotry thought to read it): It does allow doctors to remove dead fetuses. It's also unconstitutional, which may or may not be rectified when after national Republicans stock the Supreme Court with more far righters themselves.

But here's an Iowa state representative telling her colleagues that yes, she absolutely supports forcing women to carry dead fetuses for as long as it takes until it becomes life-threatening, because her bill wasn't written to "protect" those women, only "babies."

The whole f--king party is a cult, at this point. There's no other word for it. This isn't the sort of thing a sitting legislator should say, this is the kind of freakism you'd get from asking your Guyana compound leader what Conservative Jeebus wanted.

from Daily Kos

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