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Daily Kos Radio is LIVE at 9 AM ET!

Happy Monday, Happy April, and Happy Week 11 of The Presidential Apprentice! That guy is still president! Incredible!

We were spared having to deal with April Fools’ Day on the air, with the first of the month falling on a Saturday. But that doesn’t mean the news was any less ridiculous.

In fact, the plan for today is to ridicule it.

Listen NOT EXACTLY LIVE, right here at 9:00 AM ET!

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Today, David Waldman takes a break to attend school recitals and tote Scout mulch. But he did not forget you! This KITM is pre-recorded but still new to you: This episode is about what people aren’t telling you. There’s Michael “Ollie” Flynn. He certainly has a story to tell, which he says he wants to tell, in exchange for immunity… from all of your meanness. But, so far it seems there are other stories just as interesting, but at a lower cost. Then there’s mystery wad Stephen K. G. Bannon. A man with no fixed address, but many shadows, fringes and basements in which to lurk, and as you can easily imagine, a really filthy hot tub to clean. Bannon also has a mystery woman, Julia Hahn, whom everyone will tell you is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being they’ve ever known in their life, but whose actions have ended up being a bit different from that. David separates the Csikszentmihalyi’s from the Piskorski’s in his exploration of the complex Russian Laundromat scheme. Here is more on black cash and black ops. You know what else Trump isn’t talking to you about anymore? Any of that groping stuff, or that troop deployment stuff. Both get in the way of his sneak attacks.

(Thanks again to Scott Anderson for the show summary!)

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