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Delusional Trump says he never actually wanted Trumpcare vote in the first place

We are seventy-five days in and it’s hard to keep track of all the lies, the failings and missteps of Trump presidency. But as members of the resistance we’ve remained determined to keep up and, luckily, there’s been no shortage of material to work with. On Sunday night, popular vote loser Donald Trump gave us yet another opportunity to see just how much of a liar he really is when he backtracked on his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, saying that he really never wanted to vote on the Republican bill in the first place. 

"You know that we didn’t take a vote," Trump said in an interview with the Financial Times. "I didn’t want to take a vote. It was my idea. I said why should I take a vote."

None of this garbled word salad makes any sense. He didn’t want to take a vote? This, of course, despite the fact that he actually demanded for Republicans to send the legislation to the floor anyway, less than 24 hours before the legislation was pulled. And even though he lost in a major way—he remains convinced that he is not a loser. How delusional can he be?

"Yeah, I don’t lose. I don’t like to lose," Trump told the Financial Times. "But that wasn’t a definitive day. They are negotiating as we speak. I don’t know if you know. They are negotiating right now. There was no reason to take a vote."

And now, better still, he’s claiming that he will work with Democrats if his own party can’t get it together. Like that’s ever gonna happen.

He suggested that if his administration is unable to come to an agreement with the conservative House Freedom Caucus, he "will make a deal with the Democrats" to change health care policy.

Too late, idiot. Democrats came up with a healthcare policy change back in 2010. It’s called Obamacare. And apparently, there is enough sanity in Congress for now that it’s here to stay. 

from Daily Kos

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