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Democrats are willing to step up to the plate on health reform

After the sad and tragic total collapse of the Ryan/TrumpCare plan last week the BlameShifter-In-Chief decided that he would turn criticism onto Democrats who he said never even tried to offer a vote on the plan, never-minding the fact that the CBO estimated the updated plan would take coverage away from 24 Million Americans, Trump seemed to imagine that there are some Democrats, somewhere, who might find a happy place to be sanguine about that idea.

After weeks of contentious negotiations over the American Health Care Act (AHCA), Republicans had to admit defeat as they could not gain sufficient support from their own side for the plan to overhaul US health insurance.

Speaking afterward in the Oval Office, Trump blamed Democrats for the failure of a bill to repeal the signature achievement of Barack Obama. “If [Democrats] got together with us, and got us a real healthcare bill, I’d be totally OK with that. The losers are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, because they own Obamacare. They 100% own it,” he said.

Actually I think Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are already fairly happy to 100% own Obamacare since it has provided insurance to over 20 Million Americans who previously didn’t have it.  But that isn’t to say it’s perfect or that it couldn’t be made better still.  Frankly, if anyone is going to get that done, it’s going to be Democrats.

from Daily Kos

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