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Donald Trump changed his trust AFTER taking office so he can draw from business profits at any time

Remember how Donald Trump promised he would separate himself from his business? He said he would put everything in a trust and his sons would manage all 400 business with a pinky swear to never discuss business. Now we know Trump’s sons plan to regularly share financial reports with their father and ProPublica discovered changes to the Trust made on February 10, 2017:

Trump can draw money from his more than 400 businesses, at any time, without disclosing it.

The previously unreported changes to a trust document, signed on Feb. 10, stipulates that it “shall distribute net income or principal to Donald J. Trump at his request” or whenever his son and longtime attorney “deem appropriate.” That can include everything from profits to the underlying assets, such as the businesses themselves.

They have created the most blatant path to corruption in U.S. history. Out of the 11 weekends Trump has been in office, he's spent nine of them at Trump-branded properties, propping up and promoting their brand and associated properties. Want to buy influence with the president of the United States? Step one: buy a membership at Mar-A-Lago, which conveniently doubled in price when Trump took office.

Needless to say, this is not normal and it’s all far from public eyes:

There is nothing requiring Trump to disclose when he takes profits from the trust, which could go directly into his bank or brokerage account. That’s because both the trust and Trump Organization are privately held. The only people who know the details of the Trump trust’s finances are its trustees, Trump’s son, Donald Jr., and Allen Weisselberg, the company’s chief financial officer. Trump's other son, Eric, has been listed as an adviser to the trust, according to this revised document.

from Daily Kos

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