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Fox News still protecting Bill O'Reilly, even after years of sexual harassment claims

After Fox News chair Roger Ailes was fired from the network over sexual harassment charges against him, multiple network employees came forward to describe a pattern of harassment at the company. Those claims have been further vindicated.

An investigation by The New York Times has found a total of five women who have received payouts from either Mr. O’Reilly or the company in exchange for agreeing to not pursue litigation or speak about their accusations against him. The agreements totaled about $13 million.

Two of those settlements came after the Roger Ailes firing; by far the most famous settlement was (feel free to look up "Bill O'Reilly" and "falafel" on ye olde internet for more details than you'd like to know) in 2004.

A pattern of sexual assault claims against a network top dog would, for any company that took such things seriously, result in serious questions over whether the repeat offender can plausibly remain in his position. But Fox News is not a company known for taking such things seriously, and Bill O'Reilly is a cash cow for the network. And so, apparently, his job remains secure even as he and his company pay out the claims against him.

And the claims are grotesque.

from Daily Kos

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