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McConnell and team will go nuclear on Gorsuch to their party's peril

 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready to go nuclear to confirm Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Before doing so, he might want to spend some time looking at popular vote loser Donald Trump's approval ratings. He—and the rest of his members—should also be looking carefully at what's happening when they go home. Case in point, Sen. Lindsey Graham in South Carolina.

Constituents at a town hall on Saturday shouted down Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) as he tried to defend his support of Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

When Graham brought up his intention to approve Gorsuch, audience members began shouting "Merrick Garland!"

Graham argued that Democrats protesting Gorsuch by referring to Garland "is like an arsonist complaining about a fire."

He insisted that Republicans were correct to block Garland’s nomination because it came during an election year, and accused opponents of Gorsuch of "being blinded by your own partisanship." […]

"If I have to, I will vote to change the rules because I am not going to allow President Trump to be denied the same opportunity that every president has had for 200 years because you’re mad, and you can’t accept the outcome of an election," he said, to boos from the audience.

Uh-huh. That one's not going to work on your constituents, Lindsey, or anyone who has been paying attention to the last eight years of Republican obstruction. Nor are they going to forget Graham's promise from just a few months ago that he would oppose any effort to end the filibuster. In November, he said going nuclear was "a horrible, terrible idea." He also said that if the nuclear option came to the floor he would oppose it "in a heartbeat."

At some point, this level of blatant hypocrisy that Republicans have skated on is finally going to be their downfall. With Trump in the driver's seat, that's going to be happening sooner rather than later. They really need to think twice about blowing up the Supreme Court for this president.

Ready to take action? Click here to call your Democratic senator(s) and tell them to filibuster Neil Gorsuch's confirmation if they're on the undecided list.

from Daily Kos

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