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No good that Comey does on Trump/Russia can undo his legacy: He poisoned a presidential election

I came across something this week that brought me right back to the anger I felt on Election Night (admittedly, it doesn’t take that much to do so). Take a look at this from the Guardian:

In an instant, [FBI Director James] Comey regained, for those whose dearest desire is the downfall of Donald J Trump, the white knight status that has clung to him periodically throughout his career, except when it has fallen away.

Unless you’ve been living under Trump’s combover, you probably know that Comey recently revealed that the FBI has, for going on eight months now, been investigating cooperation and coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government—coordination that allowed Vladimir Putin to interfere in what the popular vote loser who became president ironically called “the very sacred election process.”

So far, it appears that Comey is serious about getting to the truth. He has shown no compunctions about contradicting the lies coming out of the White House about President Obama’s wiretappppppping of Trump Tower, or even about refuting the Trump administration, in real time, when they pretended Comey said something he didn’t about Russian involvement in the election. This is all to the good. But whether you like your knights white or dark, James Comey has a stain on his record that not even bringing down Donald Trump can erase.

You know what it is.

from Daily Kos

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