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NY Post Apologizes For 'Heil President Trump' Alerts On Hacked Account

New York Post readers were surprised over the weekend to receive a series of push alerts apparently from the newspaper, including one that read: “Heil President Trump!”

The April Fools’ alerts, which included religious references and Nirvana lyrics, may have been directed at Donald Trump. They were quickly taken down. 

The early alerts from the generally pro-Trump Post, which is owned by Trump pal Rupert Murdoch, praised the president. The later messages warned that there was still time to repent before the “fate” of “your soul” was decided (”salvation remains within reach”).

“Hear me now, for I speak as an angel in the words of God,” read one of the alerts. “In casting truth into the darkness of your shadow, you have gravely sinned.”

Another urged: “Open your heart to those you do not understand and listen to all those you fear and look down upon.”

Still another cautioned: “For the fate of your soul is soon to be decided.”

One line — “Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, but don’t be late” — is from the 1991 Nirvana song “Come As You Are.”

The messages appeared to be signed: “With Lucid Love, Selah.” The word selah is used dozens of times in the Hebrew Bible at the end of passages. It’s not entirely clear what it means; the word could be some kind of musical direction at the end of psalms or an exhortation to pay attention.

The Post apologized to readers on Sunday, saying the account had been “compromised.”

Trump did not respond to the alerts.

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