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Republicans must be punished for lying about health care for eight years

Most progressives know that Republicans lied during the development of health care reform and after Congress passed the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). But when the GOP came up with their replacement plan, it turned out all the lies they told about Obamacare became the reality of what they were proposing. The cruelty of their ideology was finally on display for all to see, so much so that Trumpcare sank to a 17 percent approval rating.

As Joy-Ann Reid said:

Republicans have spent the last 30 or 40 years trying to replace this image of callousness toward the poor, callousness toward the elderly, with this idea of compassionate conservatism. That was whisked away over this process. There was a cruelty to this bill that was even apparent to conservative voters, to Republican voters who were shocked at the cruelty.

Obamacare brought Americans one step closer to having health care as a right. It meant "we the people" and our government finally wrote laws that were a bit more favorable to everyday citizens. Yes, we want a Medicare for all, single-payer system, but we are willing to crawl before we walk and, eventually, run.

It wasn’t good enough for Republicans that Obamacare was based on a more costly and less efficient conservative approach that is a product of the market-based insurance system. It was not good enough that the mandate was originally a conservative idea promoting personal responsibility. The reality is that Republicans never intended to have our government, or "we the people," provide affordable health insurance—or for that matter, health care.

They lied to us, and they continue to lie. And we must punish these politicians for the effective murder they inflicted on thousands of Americans, the untold premature deaths caused by a lack of health insurance.

from Daily Kos

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