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Some TV Golf Fan Cost Lexi Thompson A Title By Emailing An Infraction To Tour

Who needs referees when we have TV viewers to officiate big-time sporting events?

The LPGA decided a major tournament because a snitch of a golf fan notified the tour that Lexi Thompson incorrectly placed her ball back on the green by a sliver on a short putt, Deadspin reported.

But wait, it gets crazier.

The slightly errant ball placement happened on the 17th hole of Saturday’s ANA Inspiration in Rancho Mirage, California. The viewer reportedly emailed the complaint during Sunday’s final round. Thompson, who was two strokes in the lead, was notified before the 13th hole that she would be penalized 4 strokes ― two for improper ball placement and two for an incorrect scorecard.

Is this a joke?” Thompson asked, per the Associated Press.

It’s difficult to picture such an incident happening in other games. Imagine, for instance, if fans watching Monday’s NCAA title basketball game between North Carolina and Gonzaga were allowed a chance to decide the outcome.

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