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Texas Republicans created voter ID laws that discriminated against minorities—and got caught

No surprises here, folks: it turns out that Texas Republicans actually did design a strict voter ID law that was intended to disadvantage minorities and effectively damage their electoral power. Of course, we already knew that. But it’s nice that a judge on Monday confirmed it and ruled to that effect, as well. This is the second time in as many months that a court in Texas has found intentional discrimination in its voter laws. In March, another court ruled that Republicans had racially gerrymandered congressional districts in 2011—coincidentally, the very same year new voter ID rules were passed.

Neither ruling has any immediate impact. But the decisions are significant because they raise the possibility of Texas being stripped of the right to unilaterally change its election laws without federal approval. Forcing Texas to once again seek federal permission — known as “preclearance” — has been a goal of Democrats and rights groups since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the rule in 2013.

Remember back in 2013 after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act and Chief Justice Roberts assured us that “the country had changed?” Well apparently, somebody forget to tell folks in Texas. Because according to U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos of Corpus Christi, their new voter ID laws are nothing more than a modern day “poll tax” meant to suppress minority voters. And her Monday decision will hopefully bring greater access to the ballot for minority voters. Just for a bit of context: in Texas, you can vote with your gun license—but not your college student ID. 

The Texas law requires voters to show one of seven forms of identification at the ballot box. The list includes concealed-handgun licenses but not college student IDs, and Texas was forced under court order last year to weaken the law for the November elections.

Everything’s bigger and better in Texas—including the voter disenfranchisement laws. 

from Daily Kos

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