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Trump shifts gears on Putin, saying U.S.-Russia relations have hit an 'all-time low'

Donald Trump took his most aggressive posture yet against Russian president Vladimir Putin Wednesday, suggesting it was likely that Russia knew about Syria's chemical weapon attack before it was even launched.


Trump also claimed the U.S. relationship with Russia is at an "all-time low"—never mind the whole cold war thing.

Trump’s comments during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg included him backtracking on his campaign depiction of NATO as irrelevant.


The reliably gloomy Trump also called the world "a mess" before delivering this uplifting pledge: "By the time I'm finished, it's going to be a lot better place to live because right now, it's nasty.” (Special emphasis on the nasty!)

But frankly, it was a stunning day of 180s for our mercurial pr*sident as much as it was for his evolutionary relationship with Putin.


Trump once yearned for Putin to be his "new best friend" before realizing he didn't "know Putin" at all.

What could possibly be next? Who knows? 

from Daily Kos

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