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Trump's still rooting for evidence he was surveilled, because he's just that dumb

Forget that testimony from FBI director James Comey, Donald Trump knows who has the real skinny about his Russia dealings:


Good ol’ Fox News! What a surprise.

Let’s step back a moment and forget about the idiocy of Trump opening yet another week with the surveillance narrative that has totally crippled his administration for the past month. Let’s also set aside the fact that James Comey testified he had “no information” to support the notion that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

If, in fact, the thing Trump is so eager to prove actually occurred, it could implicate him or members of his entourage in wrongdoing because a judge has to approve surveillance done on U.S. soil. Targeted surveillance of U.S. persons isn’t approved unless there’s probable cause to believe there’s some form of wrongdoing by the subject being targeted.

Even House Intelligence chair Devin Nunes—who has been doing Trump’s bidding—hasn’t been able to bring himself to suggest that some form of illegal surveillance took place. Nunes claimed any information about team Trump might have been obtained through “incidental collection,” or data collected while intelligence agencies were surveilling agents of a foreign government. In other words, the target of the surveillance wasn’t necessarily the Trump orbit itself.

One thing Trump is correct about: This is indeed unprecedented. If there was probable cause for Trump and his associates to be directly surveilled, that would be unprecedented. It’s also unprecedented that the possible subject of that surveillance is rooting for the allegation to be both kept in the spotlight and proven. Please proceed, Trump.

from Daily Kos

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