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Wounded by two months of bungling, Team Trump seeks to rearrange the deck chairs

Golly, it’s almost as if Trump has surrounded himself with bungling incompetents. Don’t worry, all we need around here is to change the entire way the current White House team is structured.

In interviews over the last week, several senior [White House] aides said they were carefully examining how the beleaguered administration functions as they weigh possible fixes. Among the top concerns: The circular firing squad continually playing out in the press pitting top aides against one another — a dynamic that one senior adviser described as increasingly unsustainable.

“It will have to either stop or there will have to be decisions made,” this person said, hinting that more serious changes would be made if the incessant shooting doesn’t end.

That would be "several senior aides" grousing about how they'd be making good progress and not have bungled every policy issue they've attempted, from healthcare to the "travel ban", if it weren't for all the other bastards in the administration fouling them up. And though it’s framed as an all-on-all fight, which would be consistent with every other report of Trump’s buffoonish “management” style, Reince Priebus still seems to be the one most in the crosshairs.

The first changes are already afoot. Walsh became the West Wing’s first casualty, when it was announced on Thursday that she would be departing to help run a pro-Trump outside group. Within the White House, the departure was seen as a blow to the influence of chief of staff Reince Priebus, who counted Walsh as a longtime lieutenant. [...]

Those who have spoken with Priebus in recent days said he has expressed frustration with his own diminished power in the West Wing and with Walsh’s departure. One person close to the president described Walsh, who was an accomplished Republican fundraiser before becoming Priebus’s top aide, as the chief of staff’s “oxygen tank.”

But wait! There's more intrigue in the palace! A challenger has appeared, and both Reince and Steve Bannon agree that they need to stop knifing each other long enough to nip that in the bud!

from Daily Kos

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