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You May Never Look At Peeps The Same Way Again

As candy, Peeps are, well, not the tastiest treats in the Easter basket.

However, they can be quite a tasteful medium for artistic expression, as an arts center in Westminster, Maryland, is demonstrating.

From now until April 19, the Carroll County Arts Council is hosting its 10th annual PEEPshow, an event where people are whetting their artistic appetites by making sculptures using the marshmallow-like candies.

The contest has 151 entries so far, “de-peep-ting” all aspects of pop culture including Belle from “Beauty And The Beast,” Pikachu, and even “Grumpy Cat” (who doesn’t seem pleased.)

One Peep sculpture of one of the “Game Of Thrones” dragons features more than 7,500 Peeps, or more Peeps than anyone ever wants to eat ― ever.

The event is locally based, according to spokeswoman Sandy Oxx.

“Transporting these sculptures from far away would be difficult,” she told The Huffington Post.

But this year, for the first time, contest voting is now online giving anyone on the internet a chance to peep at the sculptures and help select a winner. It costs $1 to vote, with the proceeds going to benefit the Carroll Arts Center.

The grand prize-winning Peep piece will win, among other things, a giant plush bunny and a visit to the Peeps factory in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Peeps season usually ends at Easter, but Oxx says Peeps sculptures can last forever.

“Peeps have a two-year shelf life for eating, but I have some entries in my office that are 10 years old,” she said. “They get soft when it’s humid and crunchy when it’s dry.”

Check out some of our favorite entries below:

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