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Another broken promise: nine former Trump transition officials already cashing in as lobbyists

We knew this was coming—even though Donald "drain the swamp" Trump supposedly banned his transition team members from turning lobbyists for at least six months, many are already profiting from their plum placements. Politico writes:

But three months after Trump moved into the White House, at least nine people who worked on his transition have registered as lobbyists, highlighting holes in the president’s pledge to keep people from cashing in on government service.

Many are registered to lobby the same agencies or on the same issues they worked on during the transition, a POLITICO review of lobbying disclosures found. A former "sherpa" who helped to guide Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos through the Senate confirmation process is now registered to lobby her department. The former head of the transition's tax policy team has returned to his old company to lobby Congress on tax reform. One ex-member of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative team is now registered as part of a team lobbying on behalf of a major steelmaker.

But how could it be? Trump said so. Trump ordered it.

Because of the way the transition’s six-month lobbying ban was worded, the former staffers may not be violating it.

Incompetence? No, it was by design reports the New York Times, and the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, is now pressing Trump officials for more details on the “secret waivers” they have been issuing to former staff members turned lobbyists.

from Daily Kos

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