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Celebrities Express Outrage After New Health Care Bill Passes

On Thursday, after months of delays and a previous failed attempt, House Republicans narrowly passed their bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. This puts the GOP one step closer to fulfilling its promise to totally reshape the federal statute that was signed into law by Barack Obama. 

Not a single Democrat voted in favor of the bill, which was passed by the Republicans 217-213. There were also 20 Republicans who voted against it. 

Upon hearing the news, celebrities like Patton Oswalt, Mark Ruffalo and Mae Whitman took to social media to express their disappointment.

“DONATE AND VOTE DONATE AND VOTE SHOW THE FUCK UP WE WILL NOT FORGET THIS YOU SHAMEFUL COWARDS,” wrote Whitman, while Billy Eichner had some choice words for President Donald Trump.

Alyssa Milano encouraged people to use their voices and challenge the bill, while John Legend chose to donate to Swing Left, a grassroots organization supporting Democratic candidates in swing districts. 

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