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Cory Booker Pumps Breaks On Trump Impeachment Talk

Sen. Corey Booker (D-N.J.) isn’t hoping to impeach President Donald Trump anytime soon, the potential 2020 presidential candidate said Sunday.

“I’m not going to rush impeachment,” Booker said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think we need to deal with this in a very sobered way. This can’t be a relitigation of an election that is now past. This has to be about an objective assessment about the facts that are going on right now.”

Some Democratic lawmakers have called for opening impeachment proceedings amid continued revelations of Trump’s apparent attempts to obstruct an investigation into collusion between his campaign and Russia. Other Democrats, however, have cautioned that seriously pushing impeachment could risk ostracizing voters they need to win seats in the midterm elections.

“In focus groups in swing districts ... people still very much respect the office of the presidency and don’t like the idea of Democrats jumping to any conclusions on such a serious thing,” said Meredith Kelly, communications director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Trump allies also believe impeachment talk motivates the president’s supporters. “All this talk of impeachment does is it makes Republicans imagine Nancy Pelosi running the House,” one close Trump ally told HuffPost’s Matt Fuller earlier this month.

Trump himself described Democratic talk of possible impeachment as “totally ridiculous” in a press conference last month.

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