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Donald Trump's lack of concern for human rights gets a body count

Donald Trump’s disdain for human rights is never ending. Whether he’s cheering on mass murder overseas, or blaming the victims at home, Trump can be counted on to support any authoritarian regime ready to connect boot with throat. So when this shows up in the news

A raid by government forces in Bahrain against a pro-opposition stronghold has left at least five people dead and hundreds detained in one of the deadliest crackdowns since protests erupted in 2011 against the Persian Gulf nation’s Western-backed monarchy.

It’s a good guess that this isn’t far behind ...

The timing of the raid was striking, coming two days after President Trump publicly assured the king of Bahrain that their relationship would be free of the kind of “strain” that had occurred in the past — an apparent reference to the Obama administration’s periodic chiding of Bahrain over its human rights violations.

It’s not just Trump. Rex Tillerson skilled out on the State Department’s annual release of human rights information and has downplayed rights on his overseas trips. The United States is consistently sending a new message under Trump—our friends can get away with anything. And the world is listening.

Trump’s widely anticipated speech, ostensibly about Islam and extremism, included assurances to the gulf’s Sunni states that “our friends will never question our support.”

In Bahrain, the government’s opponents viewed the conference and Trump’s appearance with the Bahraini monarch as providing tacit approval for the raid on Tuesday.

That’s not true, of course. It wasn’t tacit. It was clear.

from Daily Kos

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