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Global coalition forms to keep Trump's finger off the nuclear button

Sure. Some I-don’t-want-to-die staffer in Donald Trump’s White House has provided him with a “coke button” so that Trump can exercise his itchy button finger without handing the planet to the cockroaches. But now that Trump and Associates have discovered the after dinner entertainment of blowing things away, a super team has been assembled to advise world leaders on surviving on a world under Threat Level Orange.

The Nuclear Crisis Group, which will be announced in Vienna on Friday, boasts nearly two-dozen members of the nuclear priesthood of at least eight major nations — including a former commander of the U.S. atomic arsenal; the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Pakistan; a retired admiral who was in charge of India's nukes; the ex-heads of the Chinese military's strategic studies and science institutes; and Russia's former foreign minister and chief atomic weapons designer. Others joining the initiative include Thomas Pickering, the United Nations ambassador under George H.W. Bush who also served as ambassador to Russia, India and Israel.

The assembled team is treating the world as if it’s locked in the “iciest period of the Cold War.” What’s the cause of this world “crisis”?

… the growing danger of a nuclear conflict fueled by the rhetoric of President Donald Trump and destabilizing moves by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

One of the greatest threats the world has faced in decades: Donald Trump’s Twitter finger.

from Daily Kos

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