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House Republicans were asked to walk the plank on Trumpcare and they did. Hello 2018

The attack ads are writing themselves. "Rep. X voted for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires while gutting health care for everyone else. Twenty-four million people thrown off Medicaid. Protections for people with pre-existing conditions destroyed. A bill so bad, Republicans wouldn't even let Americans see it before they voted."

As Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi observed: "One of the biggest transfers of wealth in our history. Robin Hood in reverse."

In fact, some Republicans knew it was so horrifying they advised their colleagues not to worry about what was actually in the bill—the Senate would change it anyway, they said.

“I tell people not to get too worked up. If we do get it out of here, it’s going to the United States Senate, so don’t think it’s coming back here looking like it did when we sent it over,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), the vice chair of the powerful Rules Committee, told reporters. “I think people sweat these details way too much at this stage in the game.”

Yeah, that's not how it works, Tom. You're judged by the bill you vote on, not the bill as you wished it would be. When moderate Republicans said "yea" to this bill Thursday, they moved from simply stating an intention to actively endorsing legislation that rips the rug out from under tens of millions of Americans. (And frankly, the vote may have been in vain—who knows if Senate Republicans are even capable of getting anything through, let alone some version of this bill.) 

Think about it—was Hillary Clinton ever given a do over on her Iraq War vote even though she took it under the guidance of faulty intelligence from a GOP administration? No. And it clouded her political ambitions in every subsequent election.

As Pelosi said, "The Republican caucus will be forever identified with the worst aspects of the bill they passed." And the bill they passed is an unbelievably bad deal for everyone other than the very richest people in our country. Today, Republicans smiled upon the most fortunate among us while turning a blind eye to people who are in greatest need of help.

from Daily Kos

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