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House will vote tomorrow on Obamacare repeal

It’s semi-official; Congress will be voting tomorrow on whether to repeal the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Republican leaders have called a vote on a plan to replace the health care law, signaling surging confidence that they're on the cusp of earning enough support to pass it. Though it's still unclear if House Speaker Ryan and his team have commitments from the 216 members necessary to pass the bill, scheduling a vote suggests they believe they're closer than ever.

Closer than ever means just that; while whip counts currently show the vote failing by a handful of votes, Ryan and the rest of the Republican leadership clearly think they will be able to wrangle the additional needed votes for this new, worse version of the bill between now and tomorrow.

The Republican effort is still projected to balloon the deficit, send premiums for many groups of patients skyrocketing, and guts a host of key protections for Americans with preexisting conditions. They’re hurrying the vote through before the Congressional Budget Office has a chance to produce revised numbers for just how much it will cost or how many Americans will lose coverage because of it.

If it passes, House Republicans will pass the mess to a Senate.

House Republicans are hell-bent on ripping away our health insurance. Call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121, and demand they vote NO on a renewed Trumpcare that is worse than the one before. Remind them they work for you.

from Daily Kos

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