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Make less than $75,000 a year? You won't be able to afford Trumpcare

Campaign Action

This is going to be so, so unpleasant for Republicans when they wake up from their Bud Light hangover. The crappy Trumpcare bill Republicans just passed? It would screw pretty much everyone who ever voted for them.

That's the finding from a new study of the aftermath of Massachusetts and how people responded to rising costs of plans, giving the best, real-world look at what the rising premium costs under Trumpcare would do to the market.

The findings from Massachusetts come from an academic paper being released Thursday, and the timing is good. Until now, the main analysis of the Republican health bill has come from the Congressional Budget Office, and some Republicans have criticized that analysis as speculative. The Massachusetts data is more concrete. […]

The Republican health bill wouldn't raise people's costs by only a small amount, either. It would force many low-income families to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars more for insurance—and most of them would likely respond by not buying insurance. The people who still buy plans would disproportionately be sick people, which would then cause costs to rise even higher. "When premiums go up, it's the healthier enrollees who drop out," said Amy Finkelstein of M.I.T., another author of the study.

The authors didn't specifically compare their data to the estimates by the C.B.O. But the magnitude of the new results suggests the C.B.O. estimates of insurance losses were conservative. Nathaniel Hendren of Harvard, the paper's third author, said that the Republican proposal would effectively end enrollment in the insurance markets for families that make less than $75,000 a year. [emphasis added]

Now, if Republicans actually cared about health policy, they'd probably have a had a clue about what they were doing. They don't, and they didn't. When the CBO score of this bill comes out next week, they'll see the full extent of the disaster they have brought upon themselves.

from Daily Kos

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