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Nearly 20 arrested in support of 'bad hombre' with no criminal record facing deportation

Nearly 20 advocates were arrested in Hartford, Connecticut during a demonstration in support of Luis Barrios, yet another “bad hombre” with no criminal record that has been targeted and swept up by Donald Trump’s mass deportation force:

"Luis' family is bracing for the impact of having their father torn away from them," said Natalie Alexander, a protester from New Haven who was the first to be walked by police into a prisoner transport van. "He is their sole breadwinner. To me it is the moment to demonstrate with our bodies that a system may be legal, but that does not mean it is moral."

Protesters gathered at about noon and some began blocking access to the building, where the state's federal immigration office is located, soon after. The remainder held signs and chanted "Let Luis stay!" and "Not one more deportation!"

Police warned protesters they'd be arrested if they continued to block access to the building, and spoke with organizers, but after about an hour, and when it was clear the protesters were staying, officers began making arrests.

Barrios, a dad of four U.S. citizen kids, is a prime example of the cruelty of Trump’s mass deportation dragnet. Luis had regularly been checking in with ICE since 2011, when he got pulled over for a broken tail light and was turned over to federal immigration authorities. Each year, Barrios had been “granted a stay of removal that has been renewed.” That is, “until now.” Yes, for undocumented immigrants, getting pulled over for a traffic stop can ultimately mean getting torn from their homes, no matter how long they’ve lived here and how much they’ve invested into this nation.

from Daily Kos

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