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Petition filed to recall Lake Arthur mayor

LAKE ARTHUR — Amos Beverly Jr., president of the Better Lake Arthur Committee, said during a special council meeting Friday that he has filed a petition with the Secretary of State’s Office to recall Mayor Robbie Bertrand.

Secretary of state spokeswoman Meg Casper Sunstrom said the initial petition was deemed invalid because it didn’t contain complete addresses for Beverly, as chairman, or vice chairman Bonnie Conner. The petition can’t be valid until it is resubmitted with the completed information.

Beverly said after the meeting that Bertrand should step down because he has shamed the town and his family with his actions and has refused to work with others.

Beverly said he has tried to talk to Bertrand, but that the mayor has refused to listen to him. “You can’t get nowhere with him,” he said. “He thinks all his actions are right.”

Bertrand has served two terms as mayor after having served several terms as alderman.

Beverly tried to address the recall issue during a public comment portion of the special meeting, but was told by Bertrand and town attorney Bennett Lapoint that only items on the agenda could be addressed. The only item on the agenda was appointment of a new town clerk.

Beverly must get 3313 percent of registered voters in Lake Arthur — or 587 — to sign the recall petition. All signatures must be verified by the voter registrar before the petition is forwarded to the governor.

In addressing the recall, Bertrand said it has nothing to do with the selection of the town clerk, which was the purpose of the meeting.

Alderman Auldon Robinson said the council should note on the agenda that only specific items on the agenda could be discussed so that problems don’t happen in the future.

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