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Protesters plan for Pres. Trump's first trip to NYC: 'The world will see us rise up and oppose him'

Donald Trump is heading to New York City on Thursday, his first visit since taking the oath of office in January. He is not going to be in his home city for very long:

His 107-day absence, friends say, is the longest stretch he has spent outside of New York since he was born in Queens in 1946.
Yet the President isn't returning for long. He is scheduled to meet Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who will join Trump at the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea aboard the USS Intrepid, the aircraft carrier-turned-museum parked along Manhattan's West Side.
Friends close to Trump and former campaign advisers tell CNN the homecoming could be clarifying for the President, a one-time New York standard whose name is plastered around Manhattan -- usually in gold. Some acknowledged his loneliness and longing for New York.

According to CNN, he’s speaking on the USS Intrepid and then flying off, likely fearful of the crowds that would gather near his wife and son’s home in Trump Tower.

from Daily Kos

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