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Reminder: Zombie Trumpcare is not about health care, it's about tax cuts for the rich

Nothing has substantially changed in Trumpcare since March, except that iterations 2.0 through 3.1 (the latest scam from Rep. Fred Upton) have made it worse. All the stuff that the Congressional Budget Office predicted would happen—24 million uninsured in a decade, skyrocketing premiums for older people, devastating Medicaid cuts—will still happen. If anything, the number of uninsured will increase with the amendments that have come along with Zombie Trumpcare 2.0-3.1.

What else hasn't changed since March is the whole rationale for this: tax cuts for the rich. This is not about health policy. It's about taxes. House Speaker Paul Ryan still wants the massive tax cuts that come with Obamacare repeal, but he also wants those Medicaid cuts that will allow "deeper tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations in subsequent tax legislation."

That’s because the House GOP health plan reduces revenues by nearly $900 billion over the decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), including $592 billion in tax cuts largely for the wealthy.  Passing these tax cuts now as part of a health package allows the GOP to offset their cost through cuts to health care spending—particularly in Medicaid, which CBO estimates the House health care bill cuts by $880 billion over ten years.  If these tax cuts were part of tax reform legislation rather than being in the health bill, Republican leaders would have to offset their cost on the tax side to maintain revenue neutrality, as they have said they would do, limiting how sharply they can cut tax rates.

All the hoopla—and the out-and-out lies from Ryan about how this really protects people with pre-existing conditions? Cover for every Republican who just wants to enact those massive tax cuts for the rich and for corporations.

That's the big rush, and at its core, it's all any of this has ever been about. Because it's fundamentally all that being a Republican is about—cutting taxes for the rich.

House Republicans are hell-bent on ripping away our health insurance. Call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121, and demand they vote NO on a renewed Trumpcare that is worse than the one before. Remind them they work for you.

from Daily Kos

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