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Republicans are worried after months of failure. But it's not time to relax—resist harder.

May their bleak conclusion be the nation’s partial salvation:

Republican leaders are coming to the bleak conclusion they will end summer and begin the fall with no major policy accomplishments. Privately, they realize it's political malpractice to blow at least the first nine of months of all Republican rule, but also realize there's little they can do to avoid the dismal outcome.

According to one of Axios’ many Republican sources:

They're going to go home and get the [stuff] kicked out of them because people think it actually was accomplished — and, by the way, people are likely going to be getting their premium increases that are going to occur regardless of whether they pass this bill or not. …

And now the president's threatening that he's not going to approve the money for the insurance subsidies — it is going to be a catastrophic political problem …

They are in this terrible box on healthcare and they're about to get blamed for it because they did what I've been calling that Bon Jovi rally at the White House — because they were halfway there.

This is prime “when your opponent is drowning, throw them an anchor” time. Show up at congressional Republicans’ town halls, and if they won’t hold town halls, show up at their offices, show up outside their fundraisers and their private talks to friendly audiences, write letters to the editor, register your neighbors to vote and while they’re filling out the voter registration form let them know how their representative voted on health care, join a group that’s organizing your community to resist. Resist, however and wherever you can. 

Here's one way to resist: Give $1 to each of these Democratic nominee funds to help win back a House majority.

from Daily Kos

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